Despite efforts by some of the finest “journalists” in the state, Republicans appear to be aware that they can and should vote in this primary. And while the evidence so far ranges from rumor to anecdotal (if that’s not the same thing), the NH GOP may beat the Dems in turnout.
Keep in mind we have an incumbent Republican President with a 97% or better approval rating in his party. The other 16 candidates on our Republican New Hampshire Primary ballot are squabbling over the other 3%.
Yes, we fielded 17 GOP Presidential candidates on the New Hampshire Ballot. Want to be on it in 2024, save up 1000.00 dollars and take a picture of the ballot with your name on it. That’s about all it will be worth, but maybe it is worth that much to you.
It was to Joe Walsh, who already dropped out. But he’s still on there and could score some scatter – robbing Blue State Billy Weld of an opportunity to sweep up the Never Trumpers in the world’s tiniest non-land-slide primary ‘win.’
That would be 2% or more of the vote.
Bill, call your donors! We got 2.1% of the NH Republican vote!
Democrats were ready. New Hampshire State Party Chair Ray ‘Bomb the Hauge’ Buckley let it be known that they were not expecting blockbuster turnout. Why the hell not?
Isn’t Trump the worst thing ever? I think I heard that from like every Democrat I’ve ever met in New Hampshire. Crashing Stock Market, Nuclear War, tax cuts for the rich, sex scandals, one-sided economy, Russian collusion, treason, quid pro quos, Racist, sexist, Nazi, homophobic, Anti-Semitic, Hitlerian, Putin-Puppet threat to our Constitution thingy, and Democracy!
24/7/365 for over three years!
And you’re not expecting blockbuster turnout to choose his unlikely Democrat successor?
I’d like to think that the objects of this non-stop propaganda campaign of hate and lies got tired of it, but I think the Democrats have a much bigger problem. Their Ukrainian impeachment collusion farce exposed the safe guy who they thought could beat Trump as suspiciously corrupt and dishonest.
Handys, plagiarist, gaffe-machine, safe guy who is swirling the bowl.
That leaves you with some obnoxious billionaires, the Marxist Bernie Sanders, the Marxist female version of Joe Biden, Indiana’s baby-killing leave it to beaver (minus the beaver) and Amy Klobuchar. I’m honestly not sure what she is, but it’s creepy.
If that’s the A list, I can see why you’re not expecting blockbuster turnout. Well, it is what it is and you don’t have to take any advice from me, but I’m not asking, I’m just giving.
If Republicans manage to have higher turnout than Democrats, try not to call them all white privileged Nazi bigot racist haters.
On second thought, go ahead. Knock yourselves out. Because that’s what you are doing – knocking yourselves out. And I have to confess; it makes me smile.
Note: a few post-publication edits not the least of which was fixing the years 20204 to read 2024