Superintendent Mike Flynn, Call on Line One From Marcy Kelley

First, let me say how proud we are to have been invited to the ground floor of what has become an out-of-control burning sh!t wagon. It began in Bow, where parents who peacefully supported girls-only sports teams (by wearing pink wristbands with XX on them) received no-trespass orders for that “conduct.” A few weeks later, … Read more

The Diocese of Manchester & Bishop Brady High School Silencing of Girls and Women

The Danger that is the Diocese of Manchester and its too-close tie to New Hampshire Public Officials have resulted in Support of Perversion and Perversion of Justice. On the one hand, the Diocese of Manchester advertises for victims of child sex abuse to come forward. Rich settlements are paid out. On the other hand, Bishop … Read more

Bishop Brady High School Admin Was OK With Convicted Child Sex Predator At Girls Soccer Game

Bishop Brady High School in New Hampshire made national news when its girls’ soccer team refused to play another girls’ team with a boy on it. That story got picked up by Fox and a host of national online platforms. Our copy included a link to another story we published that day—a follow-up on that … Read more


NO, Girls and Women Will Not Sit Down and Shut UP

School administrators are contemplating whether they should allow their girls’ sports teams to play against a team with a biological male on it; instead of the adults in their school making this hard decision, the girls and their families are refusing to play. It sure makes you wonder where have all the leaders gone? How … Read more

Sports, Speech, Schools, and Bow

A major Granite State sports story this fall involved neither football, NASCAR, nor the Red Sox, but rather girls’ soccer. We’re looking at you, Bow, N.H. The story wasn’t really about soccer between the pitch lines but rather about those spectating from the sidelines—mostly parents, at least at first. You see, Bow High School hosted … Read more

soccer ball original Photo by Connor Coyne on Unsplash

School Cancels High School Girl’s Soccer Game Against a Team with a Trans Identifying Player

On July 1, 2024, Girls who play school sports thought they would finally be protected from being forced to play against boys. That safety net was taken away by an NH judge on August 19th, who decided that this boy could still play on the Plymouth Girls High School Soccer team while a parent lawsuit worked its way … Read more

NH state house dome

Cross Referencing Naughty Lists

The legislative season officially ended yesterday with Veto Day. While the Damn Emperor most unfortunately signed HB 1002 (aka the RTK Tax) on June 14, I’m here to take a look at which of the 88 bad actors displaying the R also stayed rogue for HB 1093 (school mask policy) and HB 396 (women’s safe … Read more

House Session 10-10-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (10/10/24)?

Today we learned that this was the last day of House Session for this biennium, also lovingly known as “Veto Day”. The House considered 10 bills that were vetoed by the Governor. Five of those 10 vetoed House bills were overturned and sent off to the Senate. Additionally, five vetoed Senate bills were sustained in … Read more


The Next Generation of Women and Girls Deserve the Chance To Be Champions

As a woman, athlete, and gymnastics coach for girls and women, I urge the state of New Hampshire to continue protecting the rights of female athletes to fair competition, safety, and privacy — in high schools, middle schools, athletic training facilities, the YMCA and other adult athletic facilities. The next generation of women and girls … Read more

US Supreme Court Building Wash DC

As SCOTUS Goes Back to Work – A Few Cases To Trigger the Proglodytes

A bunch of robes with lawyers in them (housed in the finest Corinthian Style) will sit in judgment over numerous conflicts between people, states, or against the federal government, and so on. This is a tried-and-true tradition with questionable results based increasingly on ideology and peer pressure rather than the Constitution. It is, as they … Read more

soccer ball original Photo by Connor Coyne on Unsplash

NH Girls Soccer: Sexual Predators Welcome

What have we learned over the last month about girls’ soccer in New Hampshire? In Bow, we learned that if a parent wears a pink wristband with XX on it to a girls’ soccer game, they will be issued a trespass order. In Kearsarge, we learned that if a parent is a child sexual predator attending the … Read more

Baby Yoda sarcasm meme

I’ve FOUND It! I’ve FOUND It! I’ve Finally Found My Gender!

Ayup, it has finally become clear to me – THIS is what my gender really and truly is. And I’ve just figured out my authentic self, which I have been doing for years without knowing how to articulate it. Now I do! I am COMPLETE! Gotta update that clothing, though – I’ve never liked rounded … Read more

mannequin gender death

Boundaries Have Been Broken 

The recent events of transgender athletes playing on girl’s high school sports teams in New Hampshire have brought some serious boundary and free speech issues to light. Two players received a court injunction to continue playing their high school sports in New Hampshire  (New Hampshire transgender teens can play girls’ sports, federal judge rules). Still, one … Read more

Hillsboro Deering Girls Take a Stand to Support Girls Only Sports

After a tumultuous week in Bow, during which parents were issued no trespass orders for wearing pink wristbands with XX written on them, we now have girls in Hillsboro Deering refusing to play soccer. Today, several girls from the Hillsboro Deering Varsity Soccer team refused to play their game against Kearsarge. The Kearsarge team includes a … Read more

Boise State Volleyball

Biological Females Are Refusing To Play Against Womens’ Teams With Men On Them.

The Boise State women’s volleyball team has forfeited an upcoming match against San Jose State University (SJSU) amid controversy over a male member of that team. It’s about time to Fight The Man (literally if you remember what that meant back in the day). Heh – real women are starting to Fight The Patriarchy (isn’t … Read more

As Predicted: School Gets Sued for Banning Parents Wearing Pink Wristbands

The petty tyrants in the Bow-Dunbarton School district are, as predicted, getting sued. But it’s even better than I imagined. The suit names a handful of entitled pricks from the peace officer sworn to protect and defend the Constitution who stood ready to arrest them (Lieutenant Phil Lamy) to the Superintendent (Marcy Kelley) and School … Read more

How does removing genitals affirm gender Powerline

Tussling With AI on Boys in Girls Sports, and Following the Law

Follow the Law – NOT! The Kearsarge School District is openly flaunting its disregard for NH’s HB1205 law, worse than CA Gov. Gavin Newsom violating Federal Law when it comes to illegal immigration. They just don’t care – their ideological beliefs demand that “My Truth” trumps any legalities that come this way. And when fellow … Read more

Super Chooses Intimidation To Stop Parents From Wearing Wristbands to Support Biological Females on Sports Teams

I keep thinking that his missive below is just because of stupidity. Or it is purely ideological in nature, given his vociferous attempts on Policy JBAB to ensure suppression of the Free Speech of students and adults on school property concerning “preferred pronouns.” And that Staff can be forced by the School Board’s policy to … Read more

pride flag

Pride Flags YES, Pink Armbands NO

This week we learned that the KGB running the BOW school district clamped down on a parent’s right to exercise free speech. A few paarents in the Bow school district decided to wear pink wrist bands at their daughters’ soccer game in support of female only sports teams. In this case, the Bow girls soccer … Read more

Jackboots and Injustice in Bow

Bow-Dunbarton School Superintendent Ms. Marcy Kelley, fresh off polishing her jackboots on the reputation of one local dad who supports girls’ sports, has taken down another. Kyle Fellers got “the letter” with the School Administrative unit letterhead telling him, in essence, he’s not the sort of person they want around. He’s been banned from all … Read more

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