Bishop Brady High School Admin Was OK With Convicted Child Sex Predator At Girls Soccer Game

Steve MacDonald

Bishop Brady High School in New Hampshire made national news when its girls’ soccer team refused to play another girls’ team with a boy on it.

That story got picked up by Fox and a host of national online platforms. Our copy included a link to another story we published that day—a follow-up on that male student’s dad, a convicted sex offender who was attending the games.

Jaques was arrested again later that very day for reasons not yet released to the media but likely for violating his conditions before incarceration.

I’m in the same chat group with these moms and dads as Jeremy. These parents were minding their own business, quietly supporting girls’ sports, until the also (Now!) nationally known Bow School Superintendent issued a trespass order against fathers who showed up at a game with pink wristbands with two XXs.

Hey Marcey Kelly, look what you started! And all you got for it was a lawsuit.

And that Bishop Brady game I mentioned, the one that didn’t happen, has some story left to tell.

This clarifies that the Bishop Brady High School administration was more concerned about the look than the feel. The presence of this convicted child sex predator (pictures, teenage girls, etc.) was less of a concern than pushing their girls to play a girls’ team with a boy on it (Kearsage) that was also breaking the law.

Allowing Maelle Jaques to play (the boy on the girl’s Kearsage team) directly violates New Hampshire State law. There is no exception for Jaques or Kearsage in the law or a pending lawsuit.

As noted here, Bishop Brady always had an easy out. It did not need to pander to the woke culture or the transgender agenda. They need not fear the rainbow mafia or the Gaystapo. They could have said we can’t play your team; you are breaking the law. We will not aid or abet that. However, based on this coach’s remarks on social media, the school’s priority was not the law or the girls’ safety or well-being. It was appearances.

Ultimately, the girls and their parents pulled the plug even after the administration said they should play. But now, Bishop Brady has a much bigger perception problem. Priorities.

Closing thought: while I’m not familiar with the trans-identifying student’s history beyond the past few week’s worth of reporting, I have to wonder, given the father’s pedophilia preferences (detailed in the court docs), if encouraging or grooming his son to be not just a girl but on girl’s sports teams wasn’t just another way for him to pursue his kink.

Just a parent at the game taking pictures.

Creepy, but what if that’s true, or he’s not the only one to think of it?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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