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Treehugger – After Being Insulted, I Ask THE Important Question!

by Skip

Again, from the same post from TH: Are British Conservatives Really Committed to Climate Action?  Note the nuance of the structure of the post title – can we TRUST Conservatives? Do they really accept Climate Change – and are willing to use Government (in this case, the new and then quickly former Prime Minister Liz … Read more

The Antidote is to vote Pixabay bluebudgie

“Hello Candidate! What is the Purpose of Government?”

by Skip

Well, it’s not EXACTLY phrased like my favorite question of “What is the Proper Role of Government?” but close enough.  This set of questions for elected official wannabees is spot on. Hello candidate! POLICY QUESTIONS 1 – If you are elected to the office you seek: a) what laws will you repeal; b) what taxes … Read more

CARES Act 2020

Notable Quote – So easily given up?

by Skip

To repeat: This extraordinary menace may well require an extraordinary response. Yet a month ago, could anyone have imagined that we would see the complete cessation of all church and synagogue worship in the United States? Or a total halt to citizens’ First Amendment right “peaceably to assemble and to petition the government”? Or the … Read more

Joyce Craig

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig: A Victim of The Bloomberg Syndrome?

by Skip

Reformatted, emphasis mine: In 2011, Victor Davis Hanson warned of “The Bloomberg Syndrome:” “Quite simply, the next time your elected local or state official holds a press conference about global warming, the Middle East, or the national political climate, expect to experience poor county law enforcement, bad municipal services, or regional insolvency.” Mayor Craig has made … Read more

First Dem debate 2019 night 1

“By their debates, ye shall know them”

by Skip

OK, I’m plaigerizing, a tad, Matt 7:16 (“Ye shall know them by their fruits”) and I swapped the clauses around, well, just a couple takeaways from the two nights.  I actually missed most of both of them because of meeting but I think that these perfectly summarize the mindset of the mainstream Democrat elected politicians: … Read more


Notable Quote – Gerrit Wormhoudt

by Skip

If we open our minds, we cannot but realize that, for the most part, the elaborate barriers designed to minimize the role of government force in our lives have over time been increasingly ignored. Those very few powers granted to the federal government have been so broadly construed as to become meaningless. -Gerrit Wormhoudt (Opting … Read more

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