
Notable Quote – Dan Moller

by Skip

Just so, when it comes to political philosophy and what the state should be doing, the issue shouldn’t be our substantive concerns, but rather what kinds of things we should be using threats and violence to compel those around us to do. -Dan Moller (Governing Least) Unfortunately, Moller is right.  While it may sound to … Read more

Has NH CD-2 Candidate Dr. Stewart Levenson read the Constitution, Declaration, and contemplated on “The Proper Role of Govt”?

by Skip

Dr. Levenson on WMUR News on 8/13 at 6pm, shows us a rather parochial and patriarchal view citizens in his own words:

The top issue is our approach to government; it’s broken.  We have to get rid of the career politicians. I blew the whistle on the corruption and inept care at the VA and I’ll do the same in Washington.  We need to get rid of the career politicians to put people in, do the job the people elected them to do, who will take care of their needs, who will represent them. We don’t have representation now in NH. We have congress people that are beholden to the  big Corporation s to California to outside interests.

Now, I realize that in being a doctor, he takes care of people – that’s his worldview and we need people like that. But is it the Proper Role of Government to “take care of their needs”?

Absolutely not.

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It’s what the Left does – normalize what used to be taboo to accept their even worse

by Skip

No TabooComparisons, comparisons.  First, go back and read this.  Remember, the media ‘fessed up to “normalizing” homosexuality.

Now this:  Bernie Sanders Says Liberals Are Turning the “Radical” into the “Mainstream.”

And now this:  Drag queen superheroes show — ‘Super Drags’ — coming to Netflix: ‘They’re going to save the world’

So, normalizing Socialism and Communism.  Now add to that which  used to be considered to be depraved behavior – and we Normals aren’t to say a thing or be labeled RACISTs or HOMOPHOBES, or DEPLORABLES or IRREDEEMABLES (did I forget the word BIGOT! ?).  Stigma – a word that has had its meaning pretty much neutered.  Depravity is in, church going and traditionally moral people out.  Fun-cations (complements of unemployment – trust me, it ain’t) in, hard work out. Responsibility is out, blaming others is in.  America bashing in, pro-America out; you get the picture (and I keep coming back to this over and over because it does seem that the America I grew up in is being deliberately and methodically destroyed.

So when all what used to be praised and held to be of value, what happens?

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“Government should act like my assistant, not my boss.”

by Skip

This is just as valid now as when I first stumbled across it back on 5/26/2011; the money graph (emphasis mine):

“I ask him what, precisely, he thinks is the proper role of government as it relates to business.

Invisible,” he says. “I know there are things the government has to do. But they need to find a way to do them without people like me having to bump into a new regulation every time we turn a corner.” He reflects for a moment, then finds the analogy he seeks. “Government should act like my assistant, not my boss.”

Indeed.  The previous part of the post talked about the uncertainty that Big Government keeps creating – why the middle sized business owner won’t hire new employees, won’t expand to new locations, what kinds of regulations are going to be forced upon him (including those that make the claim “Oh, this will be less expensive for you to do it this way over the long term”).  In fact, he brought up something that I used to think about all the time when I used to sign the front of my payroll checks (going to employees): 

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Data Point – Do Americans want more taxes or want more spending cuts?

by Skip

Obama is saying that a majority of Americans want his approach to cutting the deficit: balanced.  Problem is, he already got a boatload of new taxes and is already looking for more.  Balanced: just like his use of the word “investment” means “spending more tax money”, his use of the word “balanced” means “more money … Read more

“The fact is, elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do.”

by Skip

Still clearing out old drafts (this from 4/13/2011) that got kicked to the curb for some reason and finding that many are “timeless”: No, they shouldn’t.  But you, Madam Pelosi, and folks like you, both Democrat and Republican, have made them matter – a great deal. It’s like pouring molten plastic into the interstitial spaces … Read more

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