Part 2: Not the Sads but the Willingness to Hurt Others

by Skip

More reactions from the Eco-Socialists at TreeHugger that I mentioned here “Are the Treehugger Eco-Socialists Having the Sads as They Realize Most People Really Don’t Care?

The true believers are rather peeved at the “really don’t want to give anything up” folks who aren’t giving things up so they can feel all good and righteous about lowering everybody’s lifestyles to meet their hubris. That wanting to be King Canute and stopping climate change/warming/freezing/chaos:

Rivière calls for governments to take the lead, even if it means implementing unpopular measures. Would this ever happen?

Well, given that more and more of them are trending into that mindset, let me just lay it out clearly thanks to NH State Rep Leigh Webb (D):

“The role of government is to legislate behavior“

Funny, I didn’t see that in the Declaration of Independence, but those two certainly set the stage for now.  And it’s clear that, like all Progressive/Socialists, don’t always even play checkers (much less chess) as they think they are Masters of the Universe in their diktats. They truly believe that they can change just one thing in peoples’ lives and the rest of us just keep everything the same except for that single demand.

Which is why Socialism has never worked for very long even at the north end of a gun barrel. They refuse to understand that the rest of us ALSO get a vote on those changes even if they aren’t exactly “official”. Not one clue as to the real power of the notion of Irish Democracy. The last part of my comment from the above post:

The problem is that most Eco-Socialists presume a status quo that they can manipulate. Yet, over the 120 years that they’ve tried it, they keep failing to see that others re-adapt to their strictures in ways they didn’t consider.

And of course, it wasn’t received well by one of the more militant folks there:

Been ignored for decades, ignored when the changes necessary were relatively gentle, and now we need these difficult and challenging and painful changes to be made. The softly softly please sir yes sir if you could just recycle sir approach isn’t enough now. If people have to be forced to make the necessary changes, so be it.

Deciding for one’s self what is the best course of action? Nay, says this incipient totalitarian (that is becoming far too often across to many domains of our lives).  Meh – if people don’t want to do what we’ve been trying to convince them of, we’ll just take that choice, that Freedom, away from them. No muss, no fuss for us – those rubes will be “re-educated” as to what the ‘good’ live will be for them.

Like my original premise – they really don’t like it that most of us don’t like them. Nor what they want our lives to be like. They don’t care. You know, they’re like Hillary in creating more Deplorables.

Sidenote: and let me put in a shameless Capitalist plug for the new GraniteGrok Deplorable line of stuff that Steve has created.  My old Herman Cain for President t-shirts need replacing so I’ll be buying some (and the Live Free or Die t-shirts) as well.

My immediate reaction to the use of Force was “Slippery Slope”?  Unintended Consequences”?

And in your eyes’ how would that “forced” be done? At the point of a gun (at worst)? Thrown out of their homes? Their stuff involuntarily taken from them?

A “mark placed upon them” such that they could no longer purchase basic goods and services? I hear from history that yellow was a great color for that kind of “apartheid” behavior. And their later accommodations were just SO super cool as well!

The Chinese Communists have a great “Social Credit Surveillance” system now in place – would you have all governments adopt that behavior?

What you are intimating with “forced to make the necessary changes” is instituting Totalitarian government structure world wide. Are you SURE that this is what you would want? For your kids and grandkids to grow up under? Do you really think that would solve the problem?

Without a whole raft of undesirable aftereffects happening at the same time? And do you believe that there would be no push back at all, that the masses would not rebel? Or do you think they would just peacefully go “oh, ok, take my stuff” and be done with it?

That the notion of Freedom would fade under a DoublePlusUnGood 1984 style world?

I wish more THers would think FAR more carefully when they suggest things like this as it blithely flows from their fingertips. Poverty and slavery would be the results – but you’d get your lowered emissions.

Is that your desired trade-off, as Life would NOT proceed “nicely” if your wish was granted. Or enforced.

But do you think they listen to reason and all the things that would happen?  DO THEY CARE ABOUT OTHERS? That’s what the Left keeps saying – that Conservatives don’t care about other people.

And then they let the mask down like this. You see, the devil is in the details but they seldom, at this level, think it through (and the rest seem to be all gung ho in making it happen).

I see that I haven’t generated a response just yet. Did I get another win or are they too fuming and their fingertips are twitching too hard?

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