“Hello Candidate! What is the Purpose of Government?”

by Skip

Well, it’s not EXACTLY phrased like my favorite question of “What is the Proper Role of Government?” but close enough.  This set of questions for elected official wannabees is spot on.

Hello candidate!


1 – If you are elected to the office you seek:

a) what laws will you repeal;
b) what taxes will you reduce or eliminate;
c) what government agencies will you shrink or close?

2 – Would you support criminal penalties:

a) for politicians who violate their oath of office;
b) for bureaucrats who act outside the powers delegated to them?

3 – When did you last read the state and federal Constitutions?

4 – Should someone who has sworn an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, but who then votes to allocate tax funds to programs or departments not authorized by that Constitution, be removed from office?

5 – Can you name any current areas of government operations that are outside the authority delegated to government?

6 – Can you name areas where government might serve the public interest, but where it has no authority to act? If not, is it still accurate to say we have “government of limited powers”? Does this matter?

7 – As a candidate for a state or federal office, can you think of any ways to improve enforcement of the 10th Amendment (the states and the people retain powers not delegated to the federal government)?


8 – With regard to jury trials, should judges be required to inform jurors that they have the power, in the sanctity of the jury room, to decide whether a law in question is just, or constitutional? Should schools teach this?

9 – With regard to due process, should judges be allowed to prevent defendants from presenting a defense on constitutional grounds if they so choose?

Not bad for a quick ask or as a starting point.  Remember, the campaign season has already started and candidates are all over the place. Do us a favor – if you go to one of their events, ASK THEM one (or more) of these questions and let us know the answers!

(H/T: Matt)

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