Another NH Democrat Violates DoD Rules

NH Democrat candidate Bill Kennedy violated DoD rules
Thanks for the Service, but you are violating DoD rules

Another New Hampshire Democrat running for public office, this time for Governor, has violated Department of Defense Rules.  Bill Kennedy, one of three Democrats running in the party primary for New Hampshire Governor, is in clear violation of DoD directive NUMBER 1344.10

An entire page of his campaign web site includes details of his military service (for which we thank him), with pictures, in uniform.  There is no required disclaimer.
This put’s Mr. Kennedy in the company of Democrat William Connery, who was also in violation of the same rule.  Connery eventually removed the image from his Facebook Campaign page. Include or permit the inclusion of their current or former specific military duty, title, or position, or photographs in military uniform, when displayed with other non-military biographical details. Any such military information must be accompanied by a prominent and clearly displayed disclaimer that neither the military information nor photographs imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or their particular Military Department (or the Department of Homeland Security for members of the Coast Guard); e.g., “John Doe is a member of the Army National Guard. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.”
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