Democrat Green Graft Stops Continuing Resolution

I get email daily from the Democrat party looking for money, sharing their talking points and propaganda, and most of the time I ignore it, but the subject line on this one was "Shutdown again?"

Here’s the gist.

If they want a fight, they’ve got one.

Extremist Tea Party Republicans are bringing our government to the brink of shutdown again in a brazen ploy to advance their extremist agenda.

Meanwhile, Democrats are working hard to make sure that we don’t just do the bare minimum and keep the government running, but that we also secure critical funding for disaster relief and job creation.

The contrast between our Democratic values and the Tea Party’s cynical partisanship has never been clearer — but unless we have the resources to fight back against the Tea Party disinformation campaign, most Americans won’t ever hear about it.

Funny thing about that…

If the Democrats had passed a budget we wouldn’t be doing this at all.  If the left in Congress had not broken the law and refused to write or pass a budget we would not be here.  If the demolition party had not obstructed every effort by Republicans to pass a budget, to eliminate the need for continuing resolutions, there would be no debate about refunding the government every few months.

But here we are, becasue of Democrats.  And the latest bill?  It failed, not just because some principled Republicans wanted more cuts, but because unprincipled Democrats are insisting that we put back millions in Solyndra like green energy subsidies before they will vote for it.  That’s the real "critical funding to the left.

So Democrat hacks, beholden to green energy campaign dollars, are willing to hold everyone hostage unless we dump more money down the green jobs hole. A few democrats would have passed it but they all voted against it.

Personally, I’m with the so-called TEA party hold outs.  I’d like to see them cut it some more.  Make the Dem lead Senate and Obama explain why we need more half-billion dollar green boondoggles or else?  If the Democrat shills refuse to even consider a budget, any budget, and the Democrat Senate has received a few from the House, I say let them go down clinging to their green graft.


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