American flag america

These Are Terribly Trying Times.

Faced with a ruthless enemy bent on our destruction, we either stand and fight or cut and run hoping that the enemy will not pursue us to our grave. We no longer can co-exist——live-and-let-live with Marxist-Democrats any more than the suicidal—genocidal Islamofascists with nuclear weapons.

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Activism pexels-polina-kovaleva-6186333

Here We Go Again – Taliban and Afghanistan

The Taliban is taking over in Afghanistan, desperate people clinging to American planes taking off are falling to their deaths; how long will it be until the first wave of Islamic terrorist attacks start killing people here in the States?

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Taliban Joe’s Saigon 2.0 (The Fall of Kabul Part Two)

Was it only a few days ago I that predicted this? Or was it 18 years? Both, actually. My last entry ended, “All that remains to be seen is if it turns into a S**t fight for the last chopper out”?

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Austin peterson taking on Biden no nukes or F15s

Taliban Variant Infects Afghanistan – Women and “minorities” Hit Hardest – Does Sleepy Joe Know?

The big news today is Joe Biden’s first real foreign policy “victory.” The Taliban quickly took control of Afghanistan, including whatever “toys” the US government handed out or had to abandon. It’s a nasty mess, and yet, Democrats don’t seem all that upset.

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Islam burqa hijab Photo by Elin Tabitha on Unsplash

Afghanistan: An Opportunity for Feminists and a Warning for America

No one in the West can watch the events unfolding in Afghanistan without a sense of horror.  The nation-building dreams of neocon George Bush, continued by the feckless Obama for eight more years, are coming crashing down.

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Fall of Saigon - Image from

The Fall of Kabul

Rudyard Kipling understood Afghanistan: “When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier.”

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Screen Grab BBC Afghan Conflicts 8-2021

Did Bad News Biden’s State Department “Bears” Blow up Afghanistan (Or Should We Call It Talibanistan?)

The original bad news bears was a crop of ill-mannered children playing a game against their will. I think that describes Democrats’ interest in Foreign policy and their aptitude for it, even with the Good War™ in Afghanistan.

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Trans afghan pipeline

Biden Admin Favors Trans-Afghan Pipeline After Killing Off Keystone

Could this be a misunderstanding? On day one, doddering Joe Biden axed the Keystone Pipeline, ended thousands of union jobs. Warren Buffet’s trains will now move fossil fuels south from Canada’s Oil Sands to points in the US. At the same time, Washington is shepherding a pipeline project in Asia that will make the Taliban rich.

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How Much is Afghanistan Worth?

Peace in Afghanistan

The United States and the Taliban came to a historic agreement for peace in Afghanistan on Saturday, February 29, 2020. The main objective seems to be scaling back America’s longest conflict. The United States and the Taliban signed a historic deal aimed at winding down America’s longest war.

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Donald Trump in Afghanistan

Surprise Visit: President Trump Spends Thanksgiving With Troops in Afghanistan

Here’s a feelgood story for the day. Your president made a “surprise visit” to troops in Afghanistan for Thanksgiving. A Surprise to them and his first trip to that theater since his election.

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Links for International News of the Day

Links for International News of the Day

We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. U.S./Taliban Talks Afghan peace talks dead, U.S. to keep pressure on Taliban: Pompeo. Reuters. Pompeo leaves Taliban talks on the table, saying the group needs to ‘change … Read more

Links for International News of the Day

Links for International News of the Day

We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. China China, U.S. kick off new round of tariffs imposition in trade war. Reuters. Stocks shiver as new U.S.-China tariffs add to global gloom. Reuters. China takes … Read more

Taliban profits from poppy-flower-opium

Trump’s Afghanistan: Wipe Out the Taliban’s Funding Mechanisms

The Trump administration has been working with the Afghan military to cripple a major funding source of the Taliban. Opium. The terrorist group generates an estimated 60% of its funding for weapons from the drug trade. But they’ve been forced to seek alternate revenue streams. US and Afghan forces keep bombing the poppy fields and drug labs. … Read more

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