Vital Stats

Steve recently published an article suggesting that the vaccines are killing an extraordinary number of pilots.  It was based on the most recent obituary page in the Airline Pilot Association’s magazine.

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Hate crimes by race

The Truth Hurts and Spoils the Critical Race Theory Narrative

by Skip

The problem isn’t the number of guns in the US (estimated now at around 400 million) but the culture of those that have them. Culture counts and a culture that doesn’t value life has chart results like this. If you need any more proof, look at the stats in Chicago after almost every weekend.

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Statistical Horror Story

Statistical Horror Story

The pandemic from hell erupted as a panic of politicians. It is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges with microphones. They are covering their ifs, ands, and butts. There’s no question about their use of ever more morbid and distorted statistics.

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February 2019: Another Amazing Month For GraniteGrok

I’ll keep this one short. We had another fantastic month. Thousands of you are visiting us daily. Our numbers are soaring. And we want you to know that we are working hard to earn that support every day. It is an honor to us that choose to come here to see what we’re thinking about the culture and the news of the day. 

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Some Little-known Facts about Abortion in New Hampshire

Don’t you think collecting abortion statistics is matter of public health? NH is one of only three states that does not report abortion statistics to the CDC. In this segment guest-host Ellen Kolb leads a conversation about stalled efforts to change that, the Republican-lead legislature’s opposition to life, and some little-known facts about abortion in … Read more

Happy? Single Mother’s Day

The statistics for the real modern family are dominated by the single parent household.  The single parent household is overwhelmingly run, or not as the case may be, by a mom.  Somewhere around 84% of them are fatherless children.  Many of those never knew their father or are detached from them.

The leading cause of single-parent households is the culture.

The leading driver of culture in modern America is entertainment, media, and a socially driven secular humanism whose vanguard is the political left–who also dominate American entertainment and media.

The side effects of single parent households, just on children, an then by extension society, are catastrophic.

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Supporting A Corrupt Business

Would you stand up in a public hearing and defend an organization implicated in aiding illegal activity, sexual abuse, statutory rape and sex trafficking?  What kind of people would?  How about democrats, union members, and greedy corporate stooges on the take? (oh, my!)

If it was anyone but Planned Parenthood, the national media sensation that admits it has a ‘training’ problem, the professional left would be storming the castle not just to demand why taxpayer dollars were begin given to these criminals, but when the bastards were going to be rounded up and put on trial.

There would be bus loads of angry folks protesting outside executives homes, harassing staff and customers.

Left wing bloggers, even at that sad little web site Blue Hampshire, would be disconnecting their brains from their keyboard, bellowing about the injustice and abuse, the violation of civil rights, and another destructive association by a political party full of hateful bigots and misogynists who view women as second class citizens.  A few of them might even ponder running a few people down in the crosswalk.

But this is Planned Parenthood, a national business, a big business, that makes plenty of money while using its status as a “health care provider” to milk taxpayers for money it does not even need.  And there are still a few people here in New Hampshire willing to stand up and say incredibly stupid things in defense of a business model that seems incapable of protecting the interests of the young girls it claims to champion from a life as an underage sex slave.

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What It Means To Support Planned Parenthood

PPProgressive-liberal democrats will present themselves at the hearing for HB 228 on Tuesday February 8th to advocate for the continued public funding of Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire.  So maybe we should ask what it is they could be advocating?

Planned Parenthood has been implicated in a willingness to conceal sex trafficking, hide abortions performed on minors and prostitution.

Trafficking illegal immigrant minors in the sex trade.

And allowing the sexual abuse of minors including statutory rape without consistent and prompt reporting to the proper authorities.

Now I am not claiming that Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire or New England is complicit in any of these acts specifically, though they may be, I cannot say.  But they are guilty by association and it is that association that by itself should exclude them from any taxpayer funded support of any kind–particularly for those who think giving tax dollars to an abortion mill is not reason enough.

Planned Parenthood is guilty at the very least for failing to ingrain in their corporate, medical and professional culture the need to protect and defend the lives and bodies of these young girls, these children, in every office, in every community they serve, before any other corporate, professional or ideological objective.

That has not been the case and those who advocate for them should be considered complicit.

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Picture Of The Day 1-9-2011

Some pictures come with stories.  Today’s picture of the day has a story.  But as with all stories it appears to have been embellished. So I have edited out the parts that may not be accurate.  I edited them out because the picture is compelling without them, and they would only serve as a distraction. 

It is a picture taken during surgery on a 21 week old fetus.  It is one of dozens of procedures already performed on unborn babies.  Babies who could spend another 19 weeks in the womb before birth.

It is compelling because this is a surgical procedure in the womb to help a baby.  This is not surgery on a lump of tissue.  It is a tiny person.  The picture is it’s own story.

The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother’s womb.

Little Samuel’s mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta. She knew of Dr. Bruner’s remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.

Picture on the jump…

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Lube Job Redux

It’s been fun to watch the Soap Opera unfold after AIDS Services got caught up in a kerfuffle over ‘sex kits’ distributed at Monadnock High School. Everyone went into CYA mode as what seemed like a perfectly normal activity for progreeive thinkers, hiding behind the AIDS quilt to advocate irresponsible underage sex, met the reality of public outrage.

Lube Job

In a front page story from the Wednesday Union Leader the group AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region has run into trouble.   After a presentation at a local High School they offered ‘safe sex kits’ to students.  The distribution approved by the school’s administration stopped after learning that flavored lubricant and candy were included with the condoms that are—dare I say traditionally?—handed out.  Neither parents nor administrators were pleased by the message that “flavored lubricant” sends to 14-year olds.

The money shot, I’m sorry quote, comes from Monadnock School Board member Bruce Barlow.

“You can’t hand something like that to a 14-year-old boy and expect him to respond to it as an adult would.”

Seventy-thousand years of human history passed us by and somehow we missed this until now?

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Did you Question Those ‘Declining’ Teen-Mother Birth Rates?

The day after we celebrated the birth of Christ the Nashua Telegraph treated us to a report that birth rates among teens had declined. If you poked around beyond the confines of the Telegraph piece you would discover that New Hampshire was one of the states leading the way. And there were some very amusing thoughts on the decline, but no one even suggested an increase in chemical or surgical abortions as a cause.

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