Vital Stats


Steve recently published an article suggesting that the vaccines are killing an extraordinary number of pilots.  It was based on the most recent obituary page in the Airline Pilot Association’s magazine.

While that method is flawed (see comments below the article), we don’t have to rely on obit pages to learn about death. For that, we have the Secretary of State’s Vital Records division.

They keep track of all births, marriages, and deaths, and have a handy website for examining the data.  Here are the counts of the last five years of NH deaths, plus a little arithmetic to divide the data into two six-month periods:


Pilot Vital Stats Dan McGuire


Clearly, something went wrong in 2020, when deaths increased by about 1,000 (8%) over previous years.

The first peak occurred in May with 20% excess deaths. Things were almost back to normal when December 2020 and January 2021 hit with 24% higher deaths than usual. Spring and early summer were back to normal, but from August on every month in 2021 was worse than 2020.

Those are the figures, what can we conclude from them?

First of all, this doesn’t seem like the end of civilization as we know it. There’s no way that 1,000 extra deaths per year are a good thing, but in a state with a population of 1,400,000, it is hardly a catastrophe, especially as almost all covid deaths occur in the elderly so few person-years are lost.

What can we say about the vaccines? They started being administered in mid-December 2020 to the frailest populations. Was the surge of deaths that month and the next just seasonal, or were they vaccine injuries? Things quieted down in the spring and early summer, but if the vaccines are beneficial, how can we explain the fact that there have been more deaths in the fall of 2021 after the vaccination program than there were in the same period of 2020 when there were essentially no medical interventions at all?


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