Your Kids And Moms for Liberty vs Moms For Pornography - Granite Grok

Your Kids And Moms for Liberty vs Moms For Pornography

Moms for Liberty has come under fire from the radicals on the left of the political fence. Parents began showing up at school board meetings a few years ago when they realized that their public schools were going to push kids to hate each other based on the color of their skin.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) pushed more division among the races, but that wasn’t enough. After that came a push to teach children about gender ideology.

Much to their surprise, the far-left radicals were not happy that these parents didn’t want their form of radicalization thrust upon their children. These parents wanted their kids to be taught how to read, write, add, and subtract. Out of this battle came a new group of moms who called themselves Moms For Liberty.

Early on, Moms for Liberty caught some backlash because they offered to pay $50.00 if someone presented evidence that a teacher was teaching CRT in the classroom. They were adamant about fighting to stop radicalized teachers from teaching kids to hate each other. Some of the black parents were just as vocal, saying they didn’t want their kids to be taught that they were nothing but victims. The unions and the leftists decried the “bounty” that would be paid if a teacher was caught teaching children to hate each other based on their skin color.

I work with plenty of teachers who were not bothered by the “bounty.” Why? Because they weren’t teaching that kind of hatred in their class anyway. History must be taught, facts must be presented, and slavery is an example of how evil can prevail until good people stop it. Children need to learn a lesson from slavery in the United States and how it continues even today. But there’s no need to blame students today for any of this.  We want them to learn and never repeat the mistakes of the past.

Then came the gender ideology. Parents didn’t want their children confused by their teachers now teaching about gender dysphoria or gender transitioning. They could see that a social contagion was impacting kids who were now removing genitalia. Instead of listening to children who had made this terrible mistake, their voices were silenced by the radicals on the left.  Once again, parents said that they wanted their kids to learn how to read, write, add, and subtract, only to be vilified by the radicals on the left. Many parents and teachers, who were extremely supportive of LGBT students, knew that this kind of public education wasn’t going to help their children get into a top college. But they also knew they had to remain silent based on how the radicalized MOB would attack them.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, parents are now discovering pornographic and obscene books available to their children in their school library and on the school library Apps. Giving children pornography is considered sexual abuse, so why are there some on the left who are ok with this?  Shouldn’t it be a bi-partisan effort to at least remove pornographic content from the school library? Sexualizing children with pornography, according to the radicals on the left, was a way to help LGBT students. Since when does exposing any child, gay, straight, or trans, help a child? It does help a sexual predator.

Moms for Liberty didn’t care if the pornography was aimed at LGBT students or straight students. They didn’t care if it was gay or straight porn; school libraries shouldn’t abuse a child in that way.

As a parental rights advocate in New Hampshire, there are plenty of teachers and parents from the LGBT community who do not want children exposed to this obscene material. They do not want teachers to teach kids to hate each other. They do not want any radical agenda pushed in the public school system. They want public schools to go back to teaching kids academics. This would elevate the quality of education in the schools and help bring back respect and dignity to the teaching profession.

While these agendas become more prominent in public schools, more families will remove their children.  All of this does one thing, it drives families out of the public schools. Look at these numbers.


So whose side are you on? Parents who want quality public schools for their children where they learn the academics or one that drives families to leave by pushing an agenda of hate and that sexualizes children for the benefit of sexual predators?
