POLLING Data On Obscene Books in Public Schools

One would think that you wouldn’t need a poll to tell you that most Americans oppose obscene or sexually explicit content in public schools. Since this is turning into a national debate, let’s take a look at some of the polling. According to a new Rasmussen poll, voters are overwhelmingly against obscene books in public schools.


A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and the Capitol Resource Institute finds that 89% of Likely U.S. voters think it is important that public schools fully inform parents about what is being taught to their children in classrooms, including 70% who say it is Very Important. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters believe books containing explicit sexual depictions of sex acts, including homosexual sex, should not be present in public high school libraries. The majority opposed to sexually explicit books in public school libraries rises to 79% for middle schools and 85% for elementary schools.

The survey found broad agreement across political and demographic categories. For example, 79% of whites, 73% of both black and Hispanic voters, and 72% of other minorities were at least somewhat concerned that school-age children are being exposed to sexual material that is not age appropriate. Majorities of Republicans (85%), Democrats (56%) and 69% of voters not affiliated with either major party believe it is Very Important that public schools fully inform parents about what is being taught to their children in classrooms.

To those who continue to push these grooming practices, the vast majority of voters do not support this. These are the same people who will be voting on school budgets and other funding for public schools.

The small minority of people who do support these grooming practices should not be working in a public school. They are a danger to your children.


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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