Our FITN Matters: From Reagan to Haley

It seemed Ronald Reagan’s political career was over in early 1980. Despite Gerald Ford having wrested the 1976 GOP nomination from him, Reagan gave the presidency one last try in 1980 at age 69—which Democrats said was too old. (Irony alert.)

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Don’t Give Biden Credit. He Created This Mess

We all agree that a calm world results from a strong America. Donald Trump is the first President since Jimmy Carter not to enter U.S. Troops into a new conflict. Part of the reason for that period of peace is Trump rebuilt our military to a point where nobody dared threaten the United States or its allies.

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Ronald Reagan

We Win. They Lose

We win. They lose—a brilliant simple statement by one of the great communicators of our time. Ronald Reagan crafted that statement as he did many others during his two terms as President of the United States.

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Wake Up Laughing – Ronald Reagan’s Cow Manure Joke

My mom used to say (on certain occasions) that she had to laugh or she was going to cry. I bet more than a few folks feel like that now, looking over the mountain of problems that have returned to America after just a few weeks of the Biden backslide. Democrats are hiding “the bodies” and robbing the bank.

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Iran more American flags than Democrats

Notable Quote – Prof. Larry Arnn

by Skip

This is a long excerpt from the latest Hillsdale College offering, Imprimis. Are we heading headlong into a dystopian future with respect to American Freedom and Liberty? Here, Larry Arnn uses both a passage from Orwell’s 1984 and a snippet of a Ronald Reagan speech as a contrasting points: ****** “Already we are breaking down … Read more

So, which do YOU think is the correct philosophy?

by Skip

US President Ronald Reagan (R-CA): “Government exists to protect us from each other.  Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves?“ NH State Rep. Kris Roberts (D-Keene):  “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” One takes the attitude that Citizens are stupid and must be herded … Read more

Story About Leveling Reagan Chicago Apartment For Obama Library – “Utterly Inaccurate”

Obama Library not definitely going to be in chicagoland
Would Obama Library be safer in Beirut?

Maybe you heard the tale?   A Washington Times Communities article (also reported by Newsmax) suggested that the University of Chicago, which owns the Chicago apartment property of former President Ronald Reagan, was planning to demolish it to make way for a parking lot for the Obama Library.  According to the people dedicated to preserving that property, that is not true.

The claim published in Newsmax today and the Washington Times on Friday, re-posted in Drudge, that the University of Chicago is planning to demolish the Reagan home at 832 E. 57th Street to make way for a parking lot for the Obama Presidential Library is utterly inaccurate, according to informed sources in Hyde Park.

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Ronald Reagan – Our First “Black” President

The Daily Tribune News  has an article from two years ago, written by Michael Reagan, former president Ronald Reagan’s son.  In it, he reminds us that Ronald Reagan did more economically for African Americans than our first ‘Black’ president.  And that in contrast to the lefts portrayal of Conservatives, and the media’s recycling of that narrative, Ronald Reagan wanted everyone do the best they could, and to succeed, regardless of where they came from, what they looked like, or who they voted for.

Before he was elected, in speech after speech, my father said that his economic plan would improve the lives of African-Americans. In a February 1977 CPAC address, he said, “The time has come for Republicans to say to black voters: ‘We offer principles that black Americans can and do support. We believe in jobs, real jobs; we believe in education that is really education; we believe in treating all Americans as individuals and not as stereotypes or voting blocs.'”

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Jeb Bush On This “Temporary” Hyper-Partisan Moment

Jeb Bush is out there shilling for compromise. “Ronald Reagan would have, based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground, as would my dad — they would have a hard time if you define the Republican party — and I don’t — as having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for … Read more

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