NH-NeverTrumpJournal Rewrites History … Ronald Reagan Was A Warmonger Who Supported Open Borders

Is there no limit to Mikey Graham’s Trump-Derangement-Syndrome? Apparently NOT. Now (writing this on 3/2) Mikey is promoting a piece by a CLINTON bureaucrat (IRS no less) that rewrites history … portraying Ronald Reagan as a warmonger who supported open-borders:

According to Oswald (from the linked post), Reagan would be supporting “aid” to Ukraine (i.e., money for the military-industrial complex) because he would see it as part of the Cold War against the Soviet Union

[Reagan] believed the Soviet Union was an “evil empire,” as he called it in his speech on March 8, 1983. … Reagan would be shocked by Republican resistance to send aid to Ukraine to fight Russia. Likewise, he would be incredulous at the flirtations with Moscow by some GOP members, …

Actually, Reagan would understand … as Oswald either does NOT, or thinks we do NOT … that the Soviet Union dissolved decades ago and that today’s Russia is NOT the Soviet Union. Moreover, Reagan called the Soviet Union “evil” because he believed that COMMUNISM was evil, NOT because he believed that Russia or the Russian people were evil.

What Regan would see as communism today is much of the Left’s (and Oswald’s) agenda: open-borders to transform America into a minority-White population, DEI, CRT, indoctrinating schoolchildren with woke. And, by the way, in case you’ve forgotten Reagan was pro-life and wanted Roe overturned.

Reagan was a man of PEACE. He did NOT want war with the Soviet Union. He repeatedly stated publicly that his goal was arms reduction … something that today would be total anathema to today’s supporters of Ukraine … but that to achieve arms reduction America needed to bargain from a position of strength; hence the military-buildup.

As for illegal immigration, Oswald claims that because Reagan signed an amnesty law that he would be in favor of open borders today. What is far more likely is that, having seen the Democrats renege on their end of the bargain (aided and abetted by the globalist/corporatist takeover of the GOP post-Reagan), Reagan’s position would be virtually identical to Trump’s.

Stated slightly differently, Reagan did NOT sign an amnesty law because he believed in open borders … he signed an amnesty law because in return he was supposed to get a secure border.

It was George H. W. Bush who when the Berlin War finally was torn down seemed disappointed that the Cold War was over. It was his warmonger son W who continued the Clinton-policy of strengthening China’s economy in order to enrich Wall Street at the expense of Main Street AND who invaded Iraq based on LIES told to the American people. It is the Bushes, the McCains, the Romneys, the McConnells, the Sununus, who have no place in today’s GOP. And that is a very good thing and something we can thank Trump for.


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