Reagan: The Man, the Myth And the Movie

Charles Bradley

Amazing! The acting is brilliant, and the American history must be shared with every American from 9 to 99. All of us who lived when Reagan reigned as POTUS know the historical accuracy of this film is remarkable.

I didn’t believe Hollywood could make a movie that fairly reflected the greatness of the Man and, just as important, the greatness of the USA in the successful governance of international affairs. Oh! Wait a minute. Hollywood did not make REAGAN. Independent filmmakers did, signaling the imminent collapse of Hollywood. The Pope, the Prime Minister, and the President brought down the Berlin Wall, caused the collapse of Russian Communism, and adopted the most successful foreign policy (without war) in American history: “We win; they lose.” Compare that to the President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister of today.

The parallels between the Reagan Era and the Trump Era are eerie and undeniable. In this case, history is not only rhyming but repeating itself. The names have changed, but the issues remain the same. The Chinese Communist Conspiracy (CCC) unabashedly seeks the domination and destruction of American greatness, as did the Russian Communist Criminal Conspiracy against Reagan.

I could recount the facts but then there would be no need to see the movie. Do yourself, your children, and your grandchildren a favor. Teach them the true American history, that most schools surely do not. Teach them about patriotism and love of America. Show them that Ronald Reagan saved America for the children of his generation and that Donald Trump will do the same for them.

Take them to see the greatest movie of recent times: REAGAN.


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