steve negron

My Personal Endorsement – Steve Negron for Congress in NH CD-2

This hobby has introduced me to much in the past 12 years. I have been given press credentials for local events, by national groups, and even from the White House Press Corps. And I have interviewed candidates from town councilor to candidates for President (of the United States), and every office in between.

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Karen Testerman

Law Enforcement Appreciation Rally – MicroInterview with NH Governor Republican Candidate Karen Testerman

Campaign season has been rough this year and who knows what the next three months are going to bring for candidates. Will there be a quick second wave of the Wu Flu and Governor Sununu locks everything down again?

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Podcast: Interview with Bill O’Brien, Republican Candidate for the US Senate

Recorded live on Radio Row in Manchester: our interview with US Senate Candidate Bill O’Brien. Bill is running for an opportunity to challenge sitting Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen.

Bill OBrien

Interview: US Senate Candidate Bill O’Brien

US Senate Candidate Bill O’Brien joins Skip Murphy and Jim Kofalt on Radio Row in Manchester. Bill is running for an opportunity to challenge sitting NH Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen.

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elliot axelman

Elliot Axelman Wins Hooksett Republican Primary

Elliott Axelman won the three-man primary in Hooksett yesterday, defeating John Leavitt and David Ross with 61% of those votes.

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Burning Money - Image WND

With Economy Booming Trump GOP Challenger Promises NH He Will be “The Opposite of Donald Trump”

If you cloister yourself with wing-nuts and Never-Trumpers there is no world in which you live where hating this President is not normal. But most of America isn’t there so don’t be surprised when you get the side-eye over things like this.

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Attention New Hampshire State Reps: Your Voting Record Matters

by James Kofalt

Too many State Reps get away with positioning themselves one way and then voting an entirely different way. On the “R” side of the fence, we always seem to have a handful of Republicans who vote with the Democrat platform more often than they vote with the GOP. CarolynGargasz (R, Hollis) has straddled that line over the years, occasionally falling below a 50% rating from the House Republican Alliance (HRA), and sometimes venturing as high as the mid-fifties.

Judging from yesterday’s results, Hollis GOP voters have finally had enough. After 18 years as State Rep, Gargasz placed a distant fourth in a four-way primary.

This didn’t happen by accident, and it didn’t happen without some effort.

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Why I Support Jane Cormier for Executive Council District 4

Jane at Rileys Colt EventJane Cormier strongly supports our State and U.S. Constitutions.  Her service as State Rep. earned the highest scores from many independent conservative organizations due to unwavering support for family values, property rights, smaller government, individual liberty, lower taxes, and Second Amendment Rights.

Jane is strong, principled, and independent.  Her moral values and belief in God always lead Jane to do the right things for the right reasons.  She is incorruptible.

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Sullivan County Democrat Commissioner “Accidentally” Running for Re-Election as a Republican

Sullivan County CommissionersThis September Republican Primary voters in Sullivan County have to choose between an actual Republican (Jeremy Herrell) and a Democrat (Jeffrey Barrette) who is “accidentally” registered as a Republican in their primary. I kid you not.

Barrette who appears on the Sullivan County Commissioners Page as a “Democrat” (pictured far left) is a Democrat but he says he changed his affiliation to ‘undeclared’ before the 2016 Presidential primary and just forgot to change it back.

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Sen. Bob Smith – Support Ted Cruz

New Hampshire Senator Bob Smith joins us to discuss his support for candidate Ted Cruz and why you should support Cruz for President.

Ben Carson Has Peaked

Dr. Ben Carson filed with the NH Sec. of State this week, and what followed was an incomprehensible mess. In our opinion, he’s a great guy but he is done, it’s just a matter of time.  We also discuss what, if anything, a Conservative candidate like Cruz could accomplish if elected given the political class … Read more

Trump 2016 Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski

Trump 2016 Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski joins us to talk about his boss, Donald Trump, the issues, and the campaign.  

Senator Ted Cruz – Hollis House Party

Senator Ted Cruz spoke at the home of Mike and Mar-Mar Rogers yesterday. We were there to live stream and record the event.  

Gov. George Pataki

Governor George Pataki drops in to the studio to talk about running for president, and his qualifications for the job.  

Pete Ingemi – NH FITN Summit

Radio Host Pete Ingemi – DaTechGuy – give us his thoughts from last weekends First In the Nation Summit in Nashua, New Hampshire, where activists and presidential candidates both likley and declared gathered for the two-day event.    

Ayotte’s First Big Mistake?

Her endorsement of Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney stands to undo every scrap of goodwill she may have accumulated to this point but should we be surprised?

Mitt Romney: Like Having to Take Your Cousin to The Prom

Mitt Romney - All things To If this running for president thing doesn’t pan out, Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney could probably get a gig as the new spokesman for Pork; The other white meat.  And I don’t mean political pork.  I’m referring to the "not Mitt" mentality that continues to surround the GOP primary process.  Romney continues to fare well, and if nothing else polls consistently, but he is the Republican voters guy-who-can-beat-Obama candidate of last resort.  He’s the backstop candidate where the ball ends up if no one else gets a hit.

And Mitt was looking good until Governor Rick Perry announced and proceeded to suck all the wind out of the race.

As Perry stumbled around on the national stage Herman Cain climbed up to the number one spot.

While Cain works out his alleged and unofficial "dating" history Gingrich is now favored among the conservative base and not because he’s necessarily the best conservative but because he is a fighter and…he’s not Mitt Romney. 

You see the pattern.  Anyone but Mitt, please.

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Ron Paul Supporter – “Please pollute the GOP Primary”

I have been alarmed in the past when people have told me, back in 2008, that they liked either Obama or Ron Paul.  I couldn’t figure out how they made that leap.  A few years on and I’m not all that surprised anymore.  They both evoke a cult like following that scares the crap out of me.  (Reagan fanatics scare me a bit too.) Screw policy differences, and to hell with being right on even 80% of the issues–it is a cult of personality and I do not care what party you claim to be in, that is dangerous.

Here’s a recent example from facebook.  A proud Ron Paul Supporter, whom I shall not name, is begging Democrats to register as Republicans (today is the last day) so they can vote for Ron Paul.

What the?!

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I’d Like To Thank New Hampshire’s Establishment Republicans

DTtanks for the knife in the backespite the attitude and priorities of the more moderate-establishment (r)epublicans, and the snooty first family-checkbook wielding-GOP aristocracy in New Hampshire, the conservative/liberty movement shied away from running third party races in 2010.   They did not split the party, or run as independents, though a few establishment (r)epublicans who lost their primaries did.

Instead, the liberty/conservative movement embraced shared interests and invested themselves in getting Republicans elected.  They offered both time and money, worked sign-waves and phone banks, and helped hand the NHGOP super-majorities in the legislature, to win the entire executive council, two congressional seats, a US Senate seat, and the closest race for governor Comrade Lynch has yet seen.

Part of that success was the tireless work of one Jack Kimball.  After the primary, Jack wasn’t even running for anything, yet he was running everywhere for everyone, committed to getting the Republicans elected whether he agreed with all of their policy positions or not.  His reward was the chairmanship of the State party, duly elected by the voting members.  But a few weeks before that vote, then GOP chair Sununu, while ignoring his own pro-establishment and media bomb throwers, had this to say.

Sununu said he was “a little bit disappointed about some of the divisive comments that have been made by some of Jack’s supporters. That is not the way to bring the party together and it does Jack a disservice because it gives the impression that his support is coming from people who would rather divide than unite. 

Chairman John Sununu, January of 2011 – Granite Status.

These are the words of someone convinced of their own supremacy.  The establishment wins, and look, we were all about unity, so that the liberty movement–the losers, could continue to toe the party line and help us win landslide elections.  The End.

Oops. That didn’t happen.  What did happen is the bitter GOP Establishment lost and decided to take democracy and unity on a trip through the Orwellian reassignment machine.

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While Everyone is Pissed Off at Rick Perry

Romney is not the presumptive winner, not because of Rick Perry, but because most Republicans really are still looking for a candidate they can get behind and Perry is the best high-profile “not Romney” candidate to come forward.

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