Biden-Bernie socialism

Is this the Face of the New Socialist?

Democrats have spent a lot of time in recent years trying to shake off the label of “socialist.” Barack Obama used to brush it aside, scoff at it.  When Joe Biden was asked about it recently, he answered more directly, boasting, “I beat the socialist…Do I look like a socialist?”

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Sen John Kennedy R-LA

Democrat Party: You Work and We Take.

by Skip

“Redistribution and race underpins all of their policies, and I don’t recognize this Democrat Party. Here’s what I learned from last night.

Vice President Biden may be the nominee of the party, but Bernie Sanders is the head of the party, that’s clear.

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All Bob's money to you

All Bob’s money – by REASON magazine

by Skip

This was sent to me a while ago before Bernie dropped out. That said, it seems to be rather true, still, of how little the Democrat Socialists (one in the same nowadays) view your Right to Private Property – you money. You delayed self-gratification, you worked hard, put in the time, made the struggles, “cheaped … Read more

Common Good Is Basic to Capitalism.

James Madison vs AOC

The Effect of Self Interest Motivation on Income Redistribution There is a transitional gain that occurs when self-interested individuals secure a flow of benefits to be redistributed their way. The flow of benefits gets capitalized into assets with the transfer. Recipients receive only a normal rate of return on their now more highly valued assets. … Read more

Redistribution: Helping the Poor

Why do Redistribution? A substantial amount of redistribution goes to the average Americans rather than the poor. Government redistribution programs are generally ineffective ways to provide benefits to the poor. They are designed to produce political support for the interest groups receiving the benefits from the programs. Think about Planned Parenthood. How does redistribution work? … Read more

Why Is Redistribution Needed?

Redistribution by government is primarily the result of interest groups using the political process to have resources transferred their way. Whether we are willing to admit it or not, this is independent of whether redistribution has an eye toward inequality reduction or not. We have reached a point where we are satisfied with justifications for … Read more

The NH Legislature’s Latest Protection Racket

Bio Mess EnergyYou’ve seen movies where a couple of Goodfellas in suits show up at a business and the proprietor, looking uncomfortable, hands them a bag of cash. New Hampshire has this too. Some nicely dressed guys (and girls) are using the state legislature to force a business to extract protection money from you. (Again.)

This time around it’s your electric rates (Again?). The Senate passed changes that would turn electricity providers into enforcers for a protection racket that takes money from you to line other people’s pockets.

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Email Doodlings – “Ah yes, the generational redistribution plan!”

by Skip

Again, from ‘Grok Loyal reader in Dayton: Social Security benefits increase

Skip – how is it that benefits increase when Middle America has lost 20% of their income over the last 4 yrs? I would have expected benefits to decrease, or at least freeze.

Why should grandma & grandpa get a raise when I got a paycut, my 401K tanked, and my property lost 1/3 of its value? And we won’t mention my GM stock getting wiped out, or the pending tax and healthcare premium increases waiting for me in 2013. Starting to boil over….

As well he should. My response: “Ah yes, the generational redistribution plan!”

Founders: Government exists to create environment for citizens to create wealth. Obama: Government exists to extract wealth from citizens

by Skip

We remember back to the Declaration of Independence: “pursuit of happiness”, which the meaning of the Founders for the word “happiness” was Private Property.  The founding philosophy was that Government was to be a neutral player; it set the table in a flat, even handed fashion in creating the rules and then backed out of the way and let citizens go about creating their wealth in a manner they saw fit, with the intensity of effort and innovation that fit them and their goals.

Winners and Losers picked by Government as a matter of course?  Nope!

Obama seemingly has never had that as a grounding philosophy – raised by a mother who had a philosophy, by all accounts I’ve read, of an anti-Americanism, fathers / husbands that left she and Barry after some period of time, spending formative years in Hawaii at the “Red Church”, and mentored by outright Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.  By his own hand:

To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structured feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpets or set our stereos so loud the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling conventions…

And in my opinion, never truly learned what American Exceptionalism is all about; instead, he was taught to despise it.  And he became the President without really understanding in his soul what America was all about – only a black Marxist nightmare doppelganger of it.  I will say one thing – he hid it well until it was too late for us.  Now, in yet another piece of vetting (that the MSM should have done before the LAST election), it comes out that ““When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody” in 2007 was being formulated well before that in 1998:

What that means then is that as we try to resuscitate this notion that we’re all in this thing together, leave nobody behind, we do have to be innovative and thinking what are the delivery systems that are actually effective and meet people where they live. And my suggestion, I guess would be that the trick, and this is one of the few areas where I think there are technical issues that have to be dealt with as opposed to just political issues. I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure everybody’s got a shot.

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Oh yeah, let’s not forget about “They don’t need it” argument – the foundation for Redistribution

by Skip

That’s another tenet of Liberalism / Regressivism Progressivism to go along with “You don’t do the right things with it” meme.  They look at the well to-do, the rich, and the uber-rich and think “we can take it because they won’t miss it and they don’t need it”.  Really?  You can take it because YOU feel they don’t need it?  Really, how much closer to a bad rationalization do you have to make keep from letting your better side from realizing “er, isn’t that stealing“?  Just because someone has WAY more than you have means that it is perfectly legitimate for you to just take what they own for your own Progressive purposes?  Not only is this wrong, it is the absolute epitome of the definition of selfishness.  How hollow it must be to publicly be saying “look at what we give to people” all the while working hard (or being very dismissive) to not square the cognitive dissonance that the possible freedom they give to some in a material way is far outweighed by the tyranny laid upon those from who they take on the other side of the equation.

Sure, it is always posed as “We are merely asking that the rich give a little more“.  Absolute nonsense – as the top 10% of income earners pay 70% of all income taxes, how much more should they be paying?  There  is no “asking” (which implies one can say “no” as an acceptable answer) and there is no “giving” (which would be voluntary).  Such sophistry and solipsism: any “asking” is really a legal demand while the “giving” is merely paying a tax bill – or landing in the Old Pokey with nice steel bars around you.  There is no “voluntary” about it.  Oh, to be sure, there will be commenters that will jump all over this with that silly “We all belong to the Goverment as the one thing we do” or we all have to pay taxes.  Oh, to be sure, we do have to pay taxes – but Progressives want Government to overspread and take over Society such there there is only Government, and that takes more and more and more in taxes (in which, Progressives act just like, and are no better with respect to Private Property, Willy Sutton).

Truly, Progressivism is a morally bankrupt philosophy.

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There’s No Justice In It At All

Having laid out the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute as a think-tank puppet for the advancement of taxation and the Democrat parties social and economic justice agenda in New Hampshire, I felt compelled to follow that up with an addendum on the deeper evil that lay beneath the facade of a “well meaning” left wing policy group.

First, the terms Social and Economic justice are redundant.  They are the same thing.  The redistribution of money by the state through tax policy for some random, current notion of social justice is economic justice and vice-cersa.  You can’t have one lie without the other.  And as Jonah Goldberg points out in Tyranny of Clichés,  Social Justice as a concept can result in dangerously misleading nonsense.  On the matter of the injustice of high unemployment (for example) he asks..,

“..who is being unjust?  The employers who cannot afford more workers?  The consumers who refuse to create enough demand to justify more workers?  The government for not taxing innocent parties to pay for labor that isn’t needed and that they did not vote for?  Social Justice assumes rights–social rights, economic rights, etc.–that cannot be enforced.”

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Notable Quote – Dr. Thomas L. Krannawiter

by Skip

In the Progressive view, the ends of government cannot be limited to protecting natural rights, because nature supplies no rights, and positive rights created by government change over time. Thus limited government is replaced with government of unlimited power and scope, what some political scientists call the administrative state. Rejecting natural justice, the liberal mind … Read more

It’s The Shoes, Man

Occupiers redistributing without authorizationNothing says #Occupy movement like inspiring young people to support redistribution.  That is, unless, they are four minors and you have recruited them to remove a safe from your neighbors house. (So many fine lines between social justice and criminal justice and so little time to explore them all.)

Such is the predicament of Marion Smith, of Cross Street in Nashua; a multi-faceted #occupier-ette*, who tried to liberate some sneakers from Sears Essentials in Nashua the day before the company announced it would close that store.  Marion got caught sneaking the (presumably essential and no loner eponymous) sneakers just a few weeks after the great underage safe heist went awry, and is now facing a Class B Felony.

(*#occupier-ette: one of those people the Democrats are convinced can’t run their own lives who may not have been an actual occupier, but has undoubtedly been motivated by months of glowing media exposure and left wing praise, to the idea of redistribution)

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