NH Senate Passes North Country Jobs Bailout On Ratepayer’s Backs

NH SenateThe New Hampshire State Senate passed two bills that redistribute dollars by forcing energy companies to buy more expensive electricity from North Country “green” energy generators.

“…the measures are needed, say backers of both bills, to preserve a total of 900 jobs.

Many of those jobs are “in areas of the state where people can’t easily be retrained, where they worked in the woods all their lives with chainsaws and logging,” Sen. Jeb Bradley, R-Wolfeboro.

One of the six smaller biomass plants has already closed, he said, and two more would close without this legislation, a fourth is running part-time and “the other two are not far behind,” Bradley said.”

Electricity rate welfare. Awesome.

If the Balsam’s ever get built, I can pay for jobs for people to provide power to a resort I paid to help remodel.



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