Public Health Tyranny Archives - Granite Grok

Public Health Tyranny

COVID Monopoly Australia Edition

What’s Old is New – Australia is a Penal Colony Again

A few years back, Australia got this great idea. Let’s take everyone’s firearms, and with very little resistance, the people let it happen. Now, a few years later, Australia is becoming a public-health terror-state. What’s old is new. Australia is becoming a penal colony again.

sick vaccinated cartoon blam unvax

The Vaccine Appears to Make Some More Susceptible to COVID Not Less

Another win for Team Swamp. The vaccine that was supposed to ease symptoms appears to do the opposite. The latest expert opinion suggests the Jabbed need to wear a mask, can be asymptomatic carriers, can transmit the flu, and are at risk of hospitalization and death if they survive the potential side effects.

Demorrhoids Everywhere

City Council Declares Racism a Public Health Crisis

Public Health Tyranny was the first real concern we had when the political response ramped up around the Woo-Han-Floo. It became an excuse for emergency orders, random abuses of power, the flu d’ état. A new toy with which tyrants would be loath to part.