Emergency Use of Experimental Vaccine Only Granted “to Reduce Symptoms” (Maybe)

There is no flu vaccine that prevents the flu. The only time I’ve ever gotten the flu was after getting a flu shot. So, the anti-noise about the experimental COVID19 jab is intriguing. The Fact-checkers in the propaganda wing of corporate and social media.

Write something about masks on Facebook and you’ll get a tag with a link to how the COVID vaccine is safe. As safe as any other vaccine so far but no more effective and that’s part of the problem.

You scared the crap out of everyone. Told them this thing was dangerous. Made them engage in useless non-chemical “gestures” like distancing and covering their face. Insisted that the only way out was this vaccine. Ramped up a guilt machine to coerce people into getting it.

Related: More Americans Have Died from “COVID Vaccines” (2216) Than Mass Shootings (88)

And it doesn’t change anything.

Not on paper.


The investigational COVID-19 vaccines were granted emergency use based upon reducing symptoms only and not based upon preventing transmission of SARS CoV2. Once the trials are completed, Moderna October 27, 2022 and Pfizer January 31, 2023, the data will be analyzed and at that time it may be possible to know if either or both vaccine candidates reduce viral transmission


Nor in the real world. No one, post-injection, was to stop the useless gestures.

The arc of experience, see also data, tells us that doesn’t matter*. The State’s infection rates have nothing to do with whether mask mandates were or were not in place.

The data about hob killing restrictions and business-destroying “essential status” compared to results cannot withstand scrutiny.

The experimental vaccine, like the masks, distancing, and shutdown, is act 3 of public health theater.

It might protect you if you ever get infected but even with false positives, for example, barely 7% of New Hampshire’s population tested positive. That means 93% of Granite Staters either never had symptoms or their experience with them was so minor they dismissed it as something else despite the mountain of pressure to get tested and stay safe.

People who dismissed mild symptoms (or no symptoms, How Dare you!) never became super-spreaders nor did any large event. Not one.

The only plague is the pandemic fearmongering, the blind compliance, and the populism resulting in peer pressure to make others do meaningless things because politicians and bureaucrats (public health officials) convinced them.

A matter that will result in the destruction of more jobs, lives, and livelihoods than any fly real, or imagined whether they formally approve this jab or any other.


*As with all vaccines side effects, including death, matter. In the context of its introduction as a cure for the political virus, it had no effect subject to arbitrary declaration by so-called experts.

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