Progressive “Love” Is a Lie

Remember when the LGBT lobby said they only wanted civil unions, then demanded marriage anyway? Our entire experience with the movement, dominated by Left-Wing politics and tactics, echoes that one example.

Related: Gay Activist Couple Accused of Sodomizing Their Adopted Sons and Distributing “Homemade” Child Pornography of the Sexual Abuse.

And it all turned on the idea that you can’t help who you love.

That’s a lie.

You damn well can help who you love, including romantic love and the misguided sexual relativistic fraud that confuses sex with love. You can choose not to love or have sex with anyone. That person is married, they are a couple, or this person is too young.

That’s not to say you might not be attracted to any of those people. You find them engaging, a kindred spirit, fun to be with, similar interests or hobbies, or any of a thousand different parameters, including sexual attraction. It is this natural preference filter that guides us through everything we do, from where we like to sit on a bus or in a restaurant to where we park our cars, who we choose as friends, what we find ugly or attractive, our favorite songs, movies, colors, and why we begin or end relationships, and with whom we are intimate emotionally or physically.

Related: Drag Queen Story Hour Tweet: “Love Knows no Age” Pulled Down – ‘cuz Pedophilia

The correct word to describe this innate human experience is prejudice, but as the word’s negative connotation has taken precedence, that definition has fallen out of favor. Prejudice these days relates to any human feeling or action with which the political left disagrees—another act of fraud like ‘you can’t help who you love.’ Especially when love in the rising dominance of the progressive worldview means sex. A misguided interpretation doomed to end in misery.

That’s not to say there isn’t anything extraordinary about sex, casual sex, or great sex (consensual sex of any sort). Intimate relations with someone you love must not be confused with loving sex or sex with someone with whom you like having sex. Congrats on whatever that is, but be advised; if the love didn’t come first, the odds are good the relationship gets rocky or ends if the sex ends.

I’m not telling you to save yourself until you are in love, but when love comes first, everything else has a better foundation upon which to stand.

And love is one of the significant casualties of the culture war, and the left is almost entirely to blame.

Related: Women’s Health Care Alert: California Women’s Prison Inmates are Being Raped by “Transwomen”

They used the word love to normalize the sexual habits of consenting adults and look where that’s gotten us. The same movement that said they wanted civil unions and not marriage is actively normalizing the government-approved grooming of children while advancing legalized Pedophilia under the title of minor-attracted adults.

They say you can’t help who you love, including children, unless that child’s Navy Seal dad or martial arts instructor mom is standing nearby. And what if it just happens to be a concealed carry state? You can probably help it then, the same way people who can’t help stealing other people’s stuff can more than resist the urge when there’s a police officer next to them.

Don’t confuse lust with love. Lust is a thing, a normal human thing, but it is selfish, whereas love is “the reciprocal selfless quest to give to, rather than take from, their spouse – even if, in fact, both are needy. And both will benefit.”

The progressive worldview centers on a lust for power that cannot exist without taking while it pretends to give. It gives you the right to take from others. It gives you the right to take children from parents and innocence from children. And sometimes, it dares to call it love, but that’s a lie.


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