Rebutting John Klar on Boston’s Proposed Soda Pop Tax

Boston City Councillors have proposed a tax on sugary beverages, and on Tuesday, John Klar argued against it — fighting on a battleground defined by the adversaries. Let’s start with first principles: There is no “public health.” The public is not a body and does not have a health. All “we” have are statistics involving … Read more

Alert Exclamation point

“Thoughts?” Yeah, Steve, I Have A Few.

So Steve Kirsch — that would be some guy who writes a blog on Substack — says he received a “treasure trove” of documents the public has not read that “prove” that the CDC (everyone?) knew all along that vaccines (all of them?) cause autism. To add to the conspiracy, Kirsch expects The Powers That … Read more

Donald J. Trump

Trump 47s Cabinet

As we get to know Trump’s personnel choices, I’m enthused that Biden’s tendency to pick One Of Those is replaced by picking people who understand problems and do not accept that the existing bureaucracy is the solution. However, the very-high-profile Department Of Government Efficiency is a big-name Grace Commission with no actual power to terminate … Read more

Gavel Court Judge

Re: Nov 5th Vote No …

Laurie Ortolano writes a piece that purports to give readers guidance on the ballot question raising the age limit for judges from 70 to 75. But the text quickly turns to recap Laurie’s mistreatment by the New Hampshire judiciary and by specific persons. Thanks to Spike for the Op-Ed. Send yours to Let’s stipulate … Read more

An Update on Rep Scott Wallace

Yes, I saw the Julie Smith by-line and clicked anyway, because the headline referenced Rep. Scott Wallace, whom I voted for. And I waded through the usual ego-trip of Why I’m writing this and How I intend to structure this, to get to the beef. Only, where’s the beef? Thanks to Spike for the Op-Ed … Read more

Moffett v. Smith: Right-To-Know, Citizen Sabotage, and Cherry-Picking Your Legislators

On Friday, Rep. Michael Moffett (R-Loudon) defended himself against a “Hit Piece” from Julie Smith regarding HB-1002 (now law), the “Right-to-know tax.” Numerous Groksters submit Right-to-know requests and copy the text of them here, either to show how to talk tough to office-holders, to show how to burden office-holders to distract them from eating out … Read more

Trump Cut Taxes for Billionaires?

It was astonishing to hear that, after neglecting the Ship of State for a solid week for debate “training,” Joe Biden failed at both execution and plan. The plan included repeating his stock lies, including:

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NHGOP logo white background

Abortion, Abortion, Abortion

I see in the New Hampshire Journal that the NHGOP is going to waste donor money in six figures again. It is the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which correctly abandoned Roe v. Wade and sent the abortion question back to the states. Massachusetts and Mississippi are always going to decide differently, and under federalism, that is okay.

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Larry Hogan and Kelly Ayotte

Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process. At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders—regardless of party—must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship. We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.”

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SAU16 Exeter coop

Thank You for Riding Herd on SAU16

Ms. Banfield, fellow Grokster, thank you for riding herd on SAU16 and keeping us up-to-date on its numerous outrages, from Sharpie-gate to making athletic participation contingent on following Woke orthodoxy in private communication.

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Unicameral Versus Party List

Julie Smith suggests on Thursday that New Hampshire follow Nebraska and have a single legislative chamber, presumably our lower House, and do away with the Senate.

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Senate by Party List

Julie Smith wrote on Sunday a retrospective on Jeb Bradley’s career in the New Hampshire Senate — essentially, a place where “good House bills go to die.” It’s also a place where legislators go to retire. (So too Digital Equipment Corporation in its latter years.) Boston’s Howie Carr often quips that anyone who has been in a State House for six years has proven his uselessness.

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SAU16 Exeter coop

Recurring Town Meeting Gambits

Many of the gambits at the recent Exeter regional (SAU 16) deliberative meeting, and last year for the Brentwood elementary school, will certainly recur at a town meeting next month near you, and you should identify and resist them.

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Dr. Ebner and Reefer Madness

I see via NoScript that GraniteGrok is still on Disqus; otherwise, I would have entered your competition for the weekly prize. Refer to my Grok column of last 21-Apr, in support of legalization and against a new industry created by a government that intends to administer legalization and fight all mishaps.

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HB-1175: Another Attempt to Repair SB2

To set the stage: Town meetings are dominated by the people who receive, benefit from or massage taxpayer loot. The “official ballot referendum town meeting” or SB2 procedure took away from town meetings the power to make final budget decisions for the upcoming year.

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Zoning: HB1291 is NOT HB44 On Steroids

HB1291 reduces the power of our consistently anti-liberty zoning boards to write anti-liberty rules where there is no basis. A typical town’s 1.8-acre minimum lot size has been justified by the scarcity of water and septic capacity and was adopted in an era of poorer understanding and technology.

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Frank Edelblut at the Belknap County Republicans

Frank Edelblut Should Get Back in the Race

In September, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut spoke to the Brentwood Republican Committee. I don’t hang out there, but Frank had just announced his non-candidacy for Governor, and a neighbor and fellow Grokster was aching to understand the skullduggery behind the move and offered me a ride to the event.

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woman exercise stretching

Stephen Manuszak’s Column on Thanksgiving Day Is Complete Crap!

Yes, federal law drives up the cost of food (with tariffs on lower-cost foreign supplies–also with Marketing Orders that limit production) and drives it down (with subsidies). Grok readers want the market to determine prices.

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I stand with Liberty

Two Grok Articles: Make Mine Liberty (a Commentary/Riposte)

Contributor John Klar on 2-Sep lamented that the agricultural sector is “in decline” if measured by manpower. As is the manufacturing sector, though in both cases, output is up. America is producing more with less — that is what we do — and, all other things being the same, that is the only way that real pay rises.

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weed marijuana bud Photo

It Depends on How You Legalize Marijuana

I am not a marijuana user and don’t think habitual users are high-quality conversation partners or employees. But I dislike the Legislature’s current effort to legalize marijuana.

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