The Science Says That Conservative Women Are More Attractive Than Liberal Women

You don’t need researchers or some fancy A.I. to tell you that conservative women are happier and prettier than liberal women, but someone did some research, and it’s been confirmed by science.


“Approximately 3,200 publicly submitted photos of political candidates who ran in the 2017 Danish municipal election were used in the study,” reports Newsmax. “The researchers inputted the photos into Microsoft Azure’s Face API tool to evaluate the person’s emotional state, with 80% of the faces analyzed read as happy and 19% read as neutral.”

“For females (though not males), high attractiveness scores were found among those the model identified as likely to be conservative,” the study concludes. “These results are credible, given that previous research using human raters has also highlighted a link between attractiveness and conservatism.”

And if you want or need confirmation, show this to a liberal and watch things get ugly (uglier?).

HT | PJMedia

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