Is It Time For The NHGOP To Stop The Hypocrisy On Abortion?

I have been under the impression that the New Hampshire Republican Party’s platform says that life begins at conception. I went to the website to verify that because in light of the recent Dobbs decision overturning Roe and Casey, a Party that says it is opposed to abortion AND that has legislative majorities and also controls the Governor’s office should be expected to hold a special session to outlaw or at least further restrict abortions.

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GrokTALK! – Where is Your Legislative Strategy?

House Rep Frank Edelblut synthesizes the path to legislative success (and failure?) in under ten minutes; your caucus (your party) needs a vision, and then a legislative strategy to achieve it, but reality is often something very different. (And yes, I forgot the stingers before and after…) Learn more about the 603 Alliance at … Read more

The first real test for new NH GOP Chair, Jennifer Horn: Party over Principle, or Principle over Party. Choose well.

by Skip


Dear NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn,

While it is true that we supported your opponent in the race to replace Wayne McDonald, we have watched you doing the right things as the new Chair.  We have needed someone to be on the attack instead of silent.  We have needed someone willing to get out of the office and not just to go to yet another GOP meeting.

We have seen both so far.  More needs to be seen and the intensity measured as well.  Thus far, we have taken the tack of “not actively helping, but not actively griping either” – we can do both (some believe the latter far better than the former, btw) but given that the race was decided, we decided to sit back and see how things would start to shake out.

Do not take this as “a damning with faint praise” moment – so far, we are staying cautiously optimistic.  Overall, given the short amount of time into your term thus far, stay on the same road you are on.  However, you have an important speed bump that you are about to hit – or have you already bounced over it without wondering “er, what was that and what damage has it done?”.  You are confronted with a Branding Moment.  A Defining Moment.  No, not for you as Chair, per se, but for the Party – what NOW will be the outward face to the Public?  Or will the be The Spinning Top Party moment?

HB617 – where every NH House Republican on the Public Works Committee supported a large TAX.  Our most prolific commenters (with the quirkiest name and oft, an even more quirky sense of humor and writing), wrote as a comment here:

I looked on the NH Repub Party site and found no position posts regarding the gas tax. You’d think it would deserve at least a mention given it’s the largest tax to feed the maw of New Hamster in some time.

– C. dog bark ravin’ mad

My opinion is that he is wrong; he isn’t raving mad, just mad at a Party that says it is for lower taxes (and indeed, it has the potential to be the biggest “broad based” tax in many a year) but has said NOTHING. I fear that there are many others out there that are waiting to see what the Smaller Government / Larger Citizen Party is doing about this situation and are thinking to themselves “And?”  Why is there silence – especially as the NH GOP has come out against other taxes introduced, promoted, voted on, and passed by Democrats?

Where is the Consistency?

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