OFA Arrogance With a Touch Of Highway Robbery

The Obama Store ( a website that unlike the Obamacare site works quite well) is having a 40% off sale.  If only they’d try that with the Federal budget we’d be getting somewhere… Showcased front page items include an ‘Organizer in Training’ onesie for $17.50. Shouldn’t that read “Lucky to be alive?” Or how about, “Thanks … Read more

Shaheening – 501(c)(4) For Me But Not For Thee?

Shaheening; to be Shaheend: Named after our soon to be former New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen, defined as either applying political pressure against the same thing you are simultaneous hoping to take advantage of for yourself, or being the victim of the pressure applied. Ex: While New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen and her Senate allies … Read more

Yeah, food fight on the other side – and THEY have MONEY!

by Skip

It was only a matter of time!  The Dems, especially here in NH, have been calling we who hew to the US and NH Constitutions (and less, the R party platform) “extremists”

Sidenote: Again, when did complying with, and using them as a perfectly good standard of quality become extremist?  Oh yeah, when the Dems (and Establishment Repubs) didn’t want you to think “is this Constitutional and the Proper Role of Government?”

for quite some time.  They also have “complained” about the lack of bipartisanship from Republicans, as we “extremists” primary out “the moderates” from working with those self-same Democrats (er, WHERE does that Overton Window now sit – closer to ideals of socialism or to the ideals the Founding Fathers?).  But what they don’t want to talk about is that they’ve been doing the same.  Ask yourself – how many “Blue Dog” Dems are still left on the national stage (er, that would be moderates on the Democrat side)?  Well guess what the Smarmy Side is about to do:

The nonprofit advocacy group backing President Obama’s second-term agenda plans to mobilize constituents against the U.S. senators who on Wednesday helped defeat a measure to expand background checks including four members of the president’s own party.

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Big Money Equals Access To Obama

It’s the Clinton Coffees and the Lincoln Bedroom writ large but with a bit more daylight.  (Who says history doth not repeat?) OFA, Organizing For A**H***s,  is stating right up front that you can buy access to the President.  Just give them a big bucket of cash and they can get you in touch with the people who run … Read more

Talking Head Show Doodlings – Assorted

by Skip
NH Democrats have Nancy Pelosi Values - and they used to be proud of that.
NH Democrats have Nancy Pelosi Values – and they used to be proud of that.

I DVR and watch the “Talking Head Sunday Morning shows” like Meet the Press, This Week, Face the Nation, and even WUMR’s Closeup”; why?  Somebody is bound and determined to say something stupid.  Well, it is still early and have only gone through Fox New Sunday, but Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi did not disappoint.  In talking with Chris Wallace, the topic of gun control came up.  Leaving aside her takeoff on why gun murders are so low in Japan (“noexplanation for that, except that they may have good gun laws”).  Of COURSE, all acts of violence depends on taking her kinds of guns away from people she doesn’t like like.  And she stands on the BEST part of the Constitution / Bill of Rights for “allowing” guns, too!

No further sales of assault weapons, what’s is the justification for an assault weapon? No further sales of those? No further sales of the increased capacity 30 rounds in a gun. We’re talking background checks which is very popular even among gun owners and hunters.

We avow the First Amendment. We stand with that and say that people have a right to have a gun to protect themselves and their homes and their jobs, where ever, and that they…and their workplace, for recreation and for hunting and the rest.

So we are not questioning their right to do that.

Sigh…shades of “Are you serious?”  This women used to be the Speaker of the US House and now is the Minority Leader in the US House.  Is it too much to expect that she’d get which Amendment speaks to what issue on one of the top issues of the day?

Then there was Stephanie Cutter (“Propaganda for Obama”) on This Week:

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Apparently, what was not good for the goose IS good for the gander

by Skip

Obama’s political promises all come with expiration dates – every.single.one.of.them.  It seems that his political taunts do as well – at least those that can help him if he conveniently forgets that he used them against his enemies earlier.  Like when being a non-profit was BAAAD for Americans for Prosperity and but now good for his campaign organization assuming the exact same non-profit structure (it will allow him to hide the identity of HIS donors – malfeasance he accused AFP of during the campaign).

AFP certainly noticed the hypocrisy:

Today Americans for Prosperity, a nationwide organization of citizen leaders with over 2 million activists and 34 state chapters, released a new video poking fun at the president for his new non-profit, tax exempt group.

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OFA Goes After ‘Dark Money’ (Wait -Is that Racist?)

From one 501-c4 to another, American’s for Prosperity–which was attacked by Obama and the media for being a 501-c4–would like to know what changed…other than Obama for America “changing” its name to to “Organizing for Action”…aaannnnd becoming a…501-c4. While I certainly don’t begrudge Obama for making use of such an organization and taking donations from … Read more

Black Vote In Question?

The fact that I even have to write a title like that is absurd but that’s where we are.  And we’re more ‘there’ now than before the great uniter floated into the Oval Office on a glowing cloud drawn by a color-blind team of bipartian BS.  So why might the black vote be in question? … Read more

If It is Campaign Related….It’s a Campaign Expense…You Clean It Up!


Obama Inauguration day trash- Democrats leave massive mess
Obama's been Leaving behind messes for others to pick up...Since Day 1

Obama is the campaigner in chief, breaking records for the number of campaign stops and fundraisers he’s made so far, all over America.  He’s also breaking records for the amount of money he is costing the places he travels too for these campaign events.  And neither he, nor his campaign, nor the DNC, are interested in paying the costs incurred by local communities as a result.

We had our own example in Durham, where an anonymous donor finally volunteered to cover costs, some of which which Durham outsourced to other towns who did not–to our knowledge–have anonymous benefactors themselves.  That means that taxpayers are  still fronting the cost of Obama’s campaign everywhere his campaign roams.

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From Top To Bottom The Democrat Party Lacks Principles

The blatant double standards exercised by Democrats is regard to what is outrageous becomes clearer every day.  Here in New Hampshire, spewing hate-speech and laughing at inferred acts of violence are pushed aside when we know that were it the Republicans making ‘off-hand’ remarks of a similar nature, the left would never let it go…. it would be an example of the underlying hate they hold for (insert name here), and would disqualify them for office….and yet not one Democrat has the honor to stand up and say as much when it’s them.

And at the national level the Obama Super PAC has called Mr. Romney many things and most recently a murderer.  But like everything else wrong with the Democrat party, from the violence to the slurs, to the racism, none of them, at least in New Hampshire, has the ‘teabag’ to admit that this is just as wrong as if Republican’s had done it.

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Anonymous Durham NH Donor Pays When Obama Campaign Will Not

Saw this first at CBS/Boston.  A local Durham New Hampshire resident has offered to donate the up to $20,000.00 dollars necessary to cover the cost of Police, Fire, and EMT coverage for President Obama’s Campaign visit. Durham officials say they didn’t mean to raise a ruckus, but they didn’t have the money budgeted for police, … Read more

So much Deception So Little Time

Skip is clearly on to something here.  Following his lead on the absence of an actual ofanh.com web site (even though all the local office email is tied to the fictitious ofanh.com)  I went on a digital  scavenger hunt.

Our neighbors to the south don’t have an ofama.com but they do have an ofama.org.  It hasn’t been updated since the year before HealthCare reform was forced into law.  But it does have a link to massforchange.org.  That leads to a Japanese site whose English translation makes it appear to be designed to help female sex workers find jobs.  (I guess that’s close enough.)

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Republicans For Obama

  Back in November 2007 Obama For America published a press release listing 68 New Hampshire Republicans who had publicly announced their support for Obama.  One signatory was quoted thusly… “Barack Obama is the only candidate who will be able to break the partisan logjam and inspire Americans to come together around real solutions.” This of … Read more

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