So much Deception So Little Time

Skip is clearly on to something here.  Following his lead on the absence of an actual web site (even though all the local office email is tied to the fictitious  I went on a digital  scavenger hunt.

Our neighbors to the south don’t have an but they do have an  It hasn’t been updated since the year before HealthCare reform was forced into law.  But it does have a link to  That leads to a Japanese site whose English translation makes it appear to be designed to help female sex workers find jobs.  (I guess that’s close enough.)

Maine has nothing.  Vermont, nothing.  Connecticut and Rhode Island—neither has an “OFA” or “Change for” web presence.  Of course there is no either.  And if you go to and check out the state pages,  most of New England has an OFA office scarcity problem….except New Hampshire which has 11 of them, Massachusetts which lists only Boston, and Vermont; Burlington.

Posts on the central web presence?  Tepid and infrequent, some are the same  Which leaves us with Facebook.  Most in New England have a  Facebook  page but the templates are cookie cutter and the activity is boilerplate.  Massachusetts has the most activity, the others are hit and miss. Plenty of this content looks like it is pushed out from  Maine, by the way, does not even have a Facebook page for OFA or Obama 2012 that links to Obama for America. Which all means that enthusiasm is way, way, way way down. (Way down.)

So what’s the next step?  Find out if these ’11 offices’ in New Hampshire are actually “offices” or just email addresses.  And why does a state as small as New Hampshire have eleven of them?  And while we’re at it, is the New Hampshire Democrat Party following the GOP billionaire bread crumbs narrative while Democrat candidate Maggie Hassan has amassed a record setting sum of dollars and promissory notes from out of state donors?

So much deception, so little time.

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