Amy Coney Barrett

Support is Growing for Barrett Confirmation

Support is growing for Barrett’s confirmation. A growing number of Americans support Senate confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett (ACB). She is the Trump nominee to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Barrett’s support is increasing across the board. It is rising among Republicans, Democrats, and independents according to a … Read more

President Trump Nominates Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

kavanaughPresident Trump has chosen Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee and yes the left already has ads running against him.

Here’s The Daily Signal’s Synopsis on Kavanaugh.

Brett Kavanaugh

Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
Age: 53
Education: Yale University; Yale Law School
Clerkships: Walter Stapleton (3rd Circuit); Alex Kozinski (9th Circuit); Justice Anthony Kennedy

Brett Kavanaugh has served on the powerful D.C. Circuit—often regarded as a stepping-stone to the Supreme Court—for 12 years.

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6 in 10 Say Yes to SCOTUS Nominee Vote Before November Elections

polling, pencil, checkboxA recent NBC poll reports that 62% of Americans believe the vote on Mr. Trump’s next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should happen before the November Election.

The vast majority of Republicans surveyed, 85 percent, said the Senate’s vote on the nominee should take place before the election. Roughly six in 10 Independents, or 61 percent, agreed. However, more than half of Democrats, 55 percent, believe the voting on a new justice should wait.

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