Holly Novelesky Running for Congress

I have been saying I need to get involved, but I hate leaving the house and have said when an event is local, I will attempt to go. Moms for America had an event at Harley Jacks in Ossipee, and I did not get the gumption to go.

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Tim Baxter for Congress website

Tim Baxter: Demanding That Socialist Democrat Chris Pappas Supports A Forensic Election Audit of the 2020 Election

by Skip

New Hampshire (January 18, 2022) — State Representative and Congressional Candidate Tim Baxter releases a statement demanding that his opponent socialist Democrat Chris Pappas supports a complete and total forensic audit of the 2020 general election. Tim Baxter released the following statement: “We have a real opportunity to restore faith in our election process, but … Read more

Mayberry and Mowers

So Much for NH CD-1 Being the Polite Race

A few months back, I was at a candidate forum. There were hundreds of people, few, if any, wearing masks, and none got the COVID. Two of the candidates who spoke were Matt and Matt, Mowers and Mayberry, and they told us this would be a cordial primary. With two days to go, the gloves are off.

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“I fully support the Second Amendment!” – no you don’t, Mr. Edwards (Republican candidate for NH CD-1)

by Skip

First, let me state this: Groksters have decided to not put out an endorsement in the Republican Primary race in NH First Congressional District.  We’ve basically said “a pox on both their houses” for the dumpster fire that has become the norm this go around.  We interviewed both; an hour and a half with Andy Sanborn and two and a half with Eddie Edwards.  Both were gracious and we were allowed to ask pretty much any question that popped into our heads.  Both allowed us to video record their entire times and it was relayed that since not all of the Groksters couldn’t attend the sessions, we wanted them to be able to form their own views from the interviews.  We were also given permission, by both, to post the videos if we wanted to. To date, we have not.

Which brings me to the sign above.  It became clear that Mr. Edwards did not agree with it during our interview; I grow weary of politicians saying different things to different audiences. In this case, to we Groksters and then to others.

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Facebook Doodling – more blithering from Andy Martin, the most experienced…

by Skip

More blithering from Andy Martin who is running as a Republican in NH’s First Congressional District.  He generally thinks he’s a big deal in the races he enters but generally ends up, in real life and in the real results, as a zero.  But he’s well known by the inside-politics people and pretty much, everyone knows he’s gonna sue somebody at sometime for something.  Let’s look at this first:

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Kevin Landrigan of the Union Leader is blowing it out his other pie-hole – Initial Response….and the Retort

by Skip

Kevin Landrigan“He’s got Rand Paul, the federal Gun Owners of America, and “the leaders of GraniteGrok” on his side.

Some of you already know the outcome of the Union Leader claiming, with no basis whatsoever, that “leaders of GraniteGrok” were already behind Andy Sanborn in the NH CD-1.  That would be me and as I said here, that’s an assumption that Kevin Landrigan, crack political reporter with decades of experience, made.  We all know what Ass-u-me means, don’t we?

For those that don’t, let me put out the email trail.

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Pine Tree Ramblings – Vol 10

by Tom

Leftists (Liberals, Democrats) sure are in a tailspin these days.  And it sure is great to see. They pick these whacky, self-proclaimed Socialist bartenders who can’t function though a media interview.  They have issue-du-jour Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), where each day brings a new “critical issue”, worthy (in their minds) of impeaching the President: Helsinki, … Read more

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