Why Are So Many Extremists Supporting Kathleen Martins?

If you really want to know how a candidate is likely to vote if elected, look at the people who are supporting the candidate. And in the case of Kathleen Martins, this test indicates that the hard-Left will have a reliable vote. For example, there is someone or someone(s) calling himself/herself or themselves “Black Dog” … Read more

“I’m so angry that he put us in this situation. I’m in no mood to help him right now.”

by Skip

Chris SununuThat from an ally over NH Gov. Chris Sununu signing HB1319, the latest Bathroom Bill (aka “today I feel like a women even without the lady bits so I’m going into the ladies room”) and HB587 (gotta let gays be gays and no talking them out of it) which is a sop to the gay lobby and is an affront to both the First Amendment and NH’s Constitution in the matter of denying free speech and free conscious. I wrote this at the time:

So Governor Chris Sununu just told his Conservative and Faith-Based base to buzz off. You just told those that brung you to the dance that you’re in love with another. OK, buzz off we shall – like a buzzsaw. You asked we’ll deliver.

So how do I tell him and NH State Rep Mindi Messmer apart, who is running for US Congress with pretty much the same message

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