Moving In and Moving Out

Two weeks ago, the US Census Bureau released data on where Americans are moving from and moving to. The states with the biggest moves are people leaving California (one million) and New York (half a million). Most Californians went to Texas, Arizona, Florida, and Washington State. Most New Yorkers went to Florida, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

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Voting with Their Feet: The Lure of Migration

The exodus of human capital is a primary concern for developing countries wishing to stem the tide of emigration. Some believe that emigration prevents poor countries from capitalizing on the talents of their best people. Critics suggest that poor countries would excel if the smartest minds did not emigrate. Theoretically, this sounds plausible; however, it … Read more

money cash hundred dollar bills original Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

California’s Million Dollar Conundrum

California, The Golden State, symbolized the spirit and curiosity of America for decades. California was the American dream. California now exemplifies much of what is wrong with America, and how it is declining could be a harbinger of America’s future.

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Welcome to New Hampshire

The Great Relocation

Spring 2020, when I saw the CV19 restrictions and all the societal unrest, I told my wife the nation is about to undergo a massive shift. Polarization is coming, I told her, and we need to capitalize on it.

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German Hillary and her Canadian Girlfriend

German Hillary Says Trump is Destroying the New World Order

The open borders and global redistribution of (mostly) American wealth folks are not happy. Making America Great Again has inspired grassroots movements all over the planet. Citizens are asking questions. Like, can we deal with our poor and our problems before inviting in any more? Then electing leaders who agree. German Chancellor Angela Merkel gets credit … Read more

As the people of California destroy their state…

…could there be a place for their escaping businesses in New Hampshire? Read an interesting book review of “Crazifornia: Tales from the Tarnished State — How California is Destroying itself, and Why it Matters.” (As is often the case, the commentary following the article is even more enlightening than the review itself.) (h/t to Instapundit.)

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