The Democrat Party Destroys Everything They Touch

You have read it here dozens if not hundreds of times. Democrats destroy everything they touch. Families, cities, governments. There is no shortage of examples, many recently exacerbated by their incompetent handling of COVID19, “peaceful” protests, energy, and forest management.

Related: Remembering Democrat Rule (in NH) – No Taxes Means More Taxes

Democrat policy fails at every turn, by design. It’s not supposed to work. Not as advertised. Its goal is to destabilize a class, group, or region. The end game is some sort of arranged chaos or anarchy into which they will insert a massive benevolent government to “fix” what they broke. Just like every other Supremacist experiment from the Bolsheviks to Hitler to Castro’s Cuba, Chavez’ Venezuela, and the Chinese Communists.

Great examples of brutal governments but we do not need to look offshore for their failures, they are right here in our own country. Duplicated in places with long term Democrat Rule.

  • Democrats promise the government can create the right to a “home” but Democrat cities have record homelessness.
  • Democrats say they will defend you (don’t need a right to defend yourself) – but their cities and states have the highest crime, assault, rape, and murder rates in the country.
  • Democrats promise best-managed health care but Dem cities have become filthy wastelands with third-world diseases.
  • Democrats promise equality then let rioters destroy minority communities.
  • Democrats promise a new green energy future but Democrat-run California has rolling brownouts and blackouts.
  • Democrats claim to care about the environment but instead, they leave it mismanaged to be ravaged by fires.

All of these great gifts of government (and many others) come with extremely high taxes, oppressive regulations, and limited freedoms. All wrapped in an intolerant cancel culture that brooks little or no dissent. Objectives that cannot be maintained or sustained without a sanctioned surveillance state, enforcement, and therefore enforcers.

A police state.

What the Democrat party pretends to promise is impossible to achieve without a police state. So, no, they have no interest in less policing the goal is to create so much unrest the people demand more, ideally managed from Washington DC.

That has always been their goal, and despite the defunding rhetoric, it is the goal now. More cops, not less. More laws, not fewer. More enforcement, and still – more crime, and no justice.

We can see it in Seattle, Portland, New York, and other major cities. And people are fleeing like roaches after the lightbulb turned on – and they are coming here, and many are bringing their politics with them because they have yet to connect the two things together.

So, we must teach them.

The Democrat party destroys everything it touches. That’s why you had to move. So, please do not repeat that process here.

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