No One From Tennessee, Wyoming, or Oklahoma Seem To Want To Move to New Hampshire

I can’t say whether anyone from states like Florida, Wyoming, Tennessee, the Carolinas or Dakotas, or any other appealing redder states uprooted to move to New Hampshire, but it seems unlikely. Californians, however – we got a bunch of those.

An estimated 1,877 refugees migrated to the Granite State from the Left Coast’s largest progressive enclave.




According to USA, 725,000 people fled California since 2020—more than anywhere else in the country.


More than 100,000 Californians moved to Texas between 2020–21, well ahead of second place Arizona (63,000 Californians) and third ranked Nevada (55,000).

Texas has recently emerged as a popular destination, not just for Californians, but Americans from all regions. No state income tax and lower cost of living, along with a growing tech hub is pulling in Americans from all income brackets. Meanwhile, Arizona and Nevada offer similar tax and affordability benefits as well.


I’m sure it was for work. Right?


A key driver of migration is the state’s continuing affordability challenges where housing costs have pushed home ownership out of many Californians’ reach. It is also one of the most difficult states to retire in, where $1 million can last as little as eight years.

Separately, the rise of remote work in 2020 allowed many Californians to move out of their more expensive state to cross into regions with a lower cost of living while maintaining their economic opportunities.


COVID restrictions, high taxes, excessive regulations, green energy mandates (those meddling bureaucrats and their stupid governor).

The shift is causing housing crunches in other states and, more than likely (at least by a majority of transplants), voting for the solutions that led to them leaving. I’m sure they’ll do that here, though we have California refugees who are small government types like our readers. They aren’t all cursed to repeat the same mistakes, but what to do? Mandatory liberty training sounds sensible. A series of short classes on why New Hampshire is better than California and how “you can do your part” to keep it that way. It’s not complicated.

Vote, but don’t vote Democrat. Keep New Hampshire from turning into Vermont, which has already started to turn into California.



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