Michelle Obama’s Magical Turnout Machine

Michelle Obama can predict the future. Well, she can shape it anyway.  Back in 2012, she stood before the assembled throng at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, and said words that are still shaping elections a decade later. “Let’s be clear,” Michelle said, “elections aren’t just about who votes but who doesn’t vote.”

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Palate Cleanser

Palate Cleanser: Gee, and I thought Michelle’s scamming days were over?

by Skip

Heh!  Received this today: —— Original Message —— From: “Mrs. Michelle Obama.” <support@profaom.fr> To: skip@granitegrok.com Sent: 8/17/2022 12:14:23 AM Subject: Hello Hello and how are you? I am Mrs. Michelle Obama from United states of America and wife to the ex-president, I have business idea which I want to share with you. Please contact me … Read more

US Supreme Court Building

Biden/Harris administration announces Supreme Court short list

With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Biden/Harris administration has announced its list of prospective nominees to fill the now open seat on the country’s highest court. In keeping with their earlier announced intent to nominate a woman of color, the list is topped by Loretta Lynch and Susan Rice. And keeping in … Read more

S.3307 The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act…Guess Who Voted for It?

Michelle Obama Minister of crappy public school lunches
Eat that spinach…Eat it!

S.3307 (2010) is the legislation that empowered the Feds to regulate local school lunches. It is the regulation that is driving up the cost of school lunches by law because the law demands parity of price regardless of cost. It is the law that limits the number of calories and other nutritional elements to a national standard, regardless of a student’s size or activity level. It is the law that limits menu choices to those defined by the central government, choices kids are rejecting in large numbers, resulting in food being wasted. (Food that costs more because of the law.)

Kids are hungry. High School Athletes are under-nourished. They don’t like or want the food being forced on them. Black markets are forming to fill the need. And food is being wasted.

Let’s face it, Hungry kids do not make good students. This law is a turd sandwich.

So who among the New Hampshire Delegation voted for this crappy central planning nightmare? How about all of them.

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Microcosm of Nanny State Failure: School Lunch

Being programmed by the state has finally hit kids where they live–in the stomach.  And there is an important lesson to be learned if the kids and their stomachs are listening.  That lesson is this: Federal mandates apply force, limit choices, and result in waste, and that is exactly what has happened thanks to Michelle Obama and her meddling bureaucrats at the USDA etc.

The Government was given broad power to enforce menu standards, limiting calories, and forcing food onto menus that kids simply will not eat.  The result is waste on both sides of the serving line; costs to purchase the mandated foods that cafeteria managers know kids will not eat, the forced increase in the cost of lunches to meet some arbitrary Federal guideline, and then the waste as food that is being forced on students that is thrown away.

This is the alpha and omega of the centrally planned government that Democrats dream of.  And how are the kids responding….

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New Hampshire “Democrat” Values

Michelle Obama was in New Hampshire recently, talking about how Barack will win here because they have “New Hampshire Values.”  I realize that what she meant was New Hampshire Democrat party values, which are more like ‘Chicago Values,’ than actual ‘New Hampshire values.’ You know the values she means; big spending, more taxes and fees, … Read more

Madame Michelle de Obama Graces New Hampshire With Her Presence…

From the Telegraph de Nashua First lady Michelle Obama is planning a series of campaign stops in New Hampshire this week. She’ll make a swing Thursday through Holderness, Laconia and Manchester. The events include an early afternoon fundraiser in Holderness. That will be followed by grassroots events designed to boost on-the-ground support in Laconia and … Read more

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