When Michelle Obama Says Censor Donald Trump She Means You

Michelle Obama had her toned and beautiful arms in an uproar the other day. Ban Donald Trump from all social media. You don’t have to love Trump to see the problem. A former First Lady is calling for the blanket censorship of a political opponent. For what must be the thousandth time, are you listening?

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Why would Michelle-O proudly advertise such brazen fascist behavior in a country founded on free speech? She’s speaking to her choir. She is in a safe space. Biden is in. Democrat’s own congress. And this is exactly what they’ve promised us.

Censorship of anyone with whom they disagree for whatever reasons they can imagine. And if the name behind the artist painting the picture is high-profile enough, they probably get their wish.

In America.


The obvious reason is that even out of office someone like Donald Trump represents an enormous threat to the ruling class swamp-politics that resulted in his election. He can still take to people and motivate them. Draw them away from the black hole we are marching them toward.

And the left is nothing if not predictable. They have to destroy him and anything his followers clung to in support. This means destroying you too, your enthusiasm, and anything for which you thought you or President Trump stood.

The Capitol breach looks a lot like that plan in real life, which gives you some perspective about the lengths they will go to protect their ability to misuse and abuse power.

Censorship is the beginning and the end of that.

Without free speech, we live in a fascist nation in fear of the words we might think or say.

That is the promise of Democrat rule. It has been obvious for years – the pump primed on college campuses across the decreasingly fruited plain. And now it’s here. Or at least they think it’s here.

To make sure they will buy people off, set them up, blackmail them, terrorize them, stuff courts, anything that can be done to ensure their priorities are unimpeded. That progress (toward some Americanized Marxism) reaches the point of no return.

Michelle Obama telling the world to unplug Donald Trump is a feature of just of the Left’s desire to oppress others and that it still lives in fear of him and you.

That their hold represents a tenuous and imperfect union of power and influence.

But if they can destroy Donald Trump, they can destroy anyone, and they will. But can they? Or will Mr. Trump take what the left has given him and turn it into something more powerful than even they can imagine? A movement bigger than the one from whom they stole the election.

They can still see it, or they’d let him walk away and be whoever he wants in peace, and they can’t.

So, there is still hope. And not just in the person of Donald Trump but the idea of Trump. So, be Trump.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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