Michelle Obama is having a sad because we decided her school lunch program were bad

Compare this: @MichelleObama my school lunch while eating with my daughter. Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad! pic.twitter.com/5iPvg2nsAa — Megan Howell (@Howelady) March 14, 2014 with this as the Trump Administration is relaxing the overbearing rules set by Michelle’s “you will eat what I tell you to eat” school lunch … Read more

Michelle Obama’s nationalized school lunch menu – a bit more

Steve has done good work in covering the fiasco-in-progress (here and here), so I have just a bit to add to the story: One government official tried to put the blame on the students. “One thing I think we need to keep in mind as kids say they’re still hungry is that many children aren’t … Read more

Michelle Obama’s Lunch Tyranny May Be Coming to an End

The School Nutrition Association (SNA) which represents 54,000 school cafeteria professionals see the Trump Presidency as an opportunity to roll back some of the overreaches of the Obama years. [su_quote]SNA supports maintaining robust federal nutrition standards to ensure all students receive nutritious, well-balanced meals at school. However, some overly prescriptive rules have resulted in unintended consequences, … Read more

California Schools Switch to ‘Climate Friendly’ Lunches

Oakland Schools have partnered with Social Justice Enviro Wacko Group Friends of the Earth (FOE) to promote the Green Agenda™ through the lunch menu. FOE gave kids a lunch menu designed to eliminate foods it says are “unsustainable for our planet.” The new menu features far less meat and more plant-based food. Any meat or cheese the … Read more

Obama-Lunch: Now With Even More Strings Attached

The improperly named ‘Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act,’ Michelle Obama’s signature school lunch program, is getting something of a reboot to address issues “on the ground.” I honestly do not see what the FDA and Gov’t Inc. are upset about. Costs are up, waste is at a historic high, and kids are still hungry. It sounds like a … Read more

At what point do Obama’s Regulatory State raise the bar – and we all fall?

(Cartoon H/T: Liberty Unyielding)   And here’s some proof that Obama’s Progressive agenda (translation: we WILL tell you how to do everything and anything) is making life more and more difficult for everyone).  Each and everyone of these reduces Freedom (and you can’t tell me that even the majority of this is “for my own good”): … Read more

Lunch Racists Bail On Michelle-O

School districts from LA to NY are complaining and now a few of them are taking matters into their own hands. “We’re eating more junk food, now, than last year”, a student from the Los Angeles Unified School District explained in December of 2011. We’re talking about Michelle Obama’s Healthy Kids Hungry act, passed by … Read more

Microcosm of Nanny State Failure: School Lunch

Being programmed by the state has finally hit kids where they live–in the stomach.  And there is an important lesson to be learned if the kids and their stomachs are listening.  That lesson is this: Federal mandates apply force, limit choices, and result in waste, and that is exactly what has happened thanks to Michelle … Read more

S.3307 The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act…Guess Who Voted for It?

S.3307 (2010) is the legislation that empowered the Feds to regulate local school lunches. It is the regulation that is driving up the cost of school lunches by law because the law demands parity of price regardless of cost. It is the law that limits the number of calories and other nutritional elements to a national standard, … Read more

How Did All These ‘Hungry’ People Get So Fat?

President Joe Biden says 24 million Americans “suffer from food insecurity!” News anchors were shocked that there is “food insecurity in the richest country in the world!” ABC hosts turned “insecurity” into “hunger.” But in my new video, Rachel Sheffield, who researches welfare policy at the Heritage Foundation, explains, “Food insecurity is not the same … Read more