Hartford High School Goes Full Marxist Groomer On Kids

As a tax payer and parent of a graduating senior at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center I was sent a questionnaire last week with the following email announcement of Hartford’s newly adopted “inclusivity” policy: Dear Members of the Hartford School District,   At the end of 2023, you received an email sharing our … Read more

The Campus “Protesters” Are Nazis, Not Marxists

I have seen and heard the campus “protesters” described as Marxists. They are NOT. They are actually their own manifestation of socialism (which I call Woke-Communism), but if the choice is limited to Marxist and Nazi … the far better descriptive is Nazi. I will explain why.

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LGBT Groups Get Another Warning They’ll Ignore

We’ve tried to warn women, minorities, the LGBTQ folks, and, in fact, everyone the Democrats claim to support. You are being used and discarded. Women are already living that. Minorities, especially in cities, are worse off thanks to Dems and BLM, so can the LGBT folks be convinced before it is too late?

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Karl Marx Bust statue

Marxist States Never “Wither Away” as Marx Predicted

In this week’s column, I’d like to continue discussing Graham Priest’s unusual book Capitalism: Its Nature and Its Replacement. Priest uses ideas he gets from Marxism and Buddhism to criticize capitalism. Last week, I said that Priest has interesting things to say about Marxism but I avoided Buddhism.

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Karl Marx Bust statue

What Exactly is Marxism?

I overheard a conversation between two high school English teachers concerning one of their students’ written journals on class discussions and reflection. The student had voiced in writing pro-Trump remarks decrying socialist and Marxist ideologies that he claimed were virulent in American political ideologies. 

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Karl Marx Bust statue

Stop the Marxist Takeover of Our Libraries

I had a guest on my Immigrants Speak weekly show a few days ago: Xi Van Fleet, who has appeared previously on Fox News calling out how Critical Race Theory is being used to divide American citizens; much like how Mao used Critical Class Theory.

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The truth


The decline and fall of truth is, sadly, our legacy in the 21st Century. Science is defined by political rhetoric, and opposing the popular thing is labeled as misinformation or disinformation.

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Donald Yacovone

Teaching White Supremacy: Part 1

Donald Yacavone is a self-described scholar and lifetime associate of African American studies at Harvard University. He visited the Norwich Bookstore last week to speak about his new book “Teaching White Supremacy”: America’s Democratic Ordeal and the Forging of Our National Identity”. Having seen the announcement on the Hanover Listserv, I was struck by this … Read more

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