The Campus "Protesters" Are Nazis, Not Marxists - Granite Grok

The Campus “Protesters” Are Nazis, Not Marxists

I have seen and heard the campus “protesters” described as Marxists. They are NOT. They are actually their own manifestation of socialism (which I call Woke-Communism), but if the choice is limited to Marxist and Nazi … the far better descriptive is Nazi. I will explain why.

Marxism and National Socialism were both 20th-century manifestations of socialism/collectivism/communism, whatever term you prefer to describe a system of governance where there is a ruling class and the rest of society is coercively structured to serve the ruling class under the guise of serving “the common good,” “the State,” “social justice,” “equity,” blah, blah, blah.

Marxism was a socialism based on class. Lenin said that German workers and Russian workers should not be killing each other but instead should be killing their bourgeoise overlords. (This was at the time of World War I, bitter-clingers). The campus protesters are NOT urging Palestinian and Israeli workers to unite and bring down the bourgeoise. They are NOT Marxists.

National Socialism was a socialism based on race. Hitler sought to unite all the Germanic people and use the Slavs as essentially slave laborers. And, almost as soon as the Nazis gained power, Hitler began instituting apartheid versus Jews and others … and I am going to assume you know how things progressed and ended.

The campus protesters have much, much more in common with Nazis than with Marxists. Their socialism, like National Socialism, is based on race … the Jews are the oppressors, and the Palestinians are the oppressed. The campus protests are a manifestation of the identity politics that is driving today’s Democrat Party.

Today’s Democrat Party represents a socialism based on identity. Society is to be coercively structured to supposedly protect the “marginalized,” the “oppressed,” blah, blah, blah … i.e., “people of color,” “LGBTQ+,” etc., etc., etc.. It resembles National Socialism in that your place in this society is to be determined by your skin color, your sexual preference, etc., etc., etc..

Today’s Democrat Party is actually quite similar to Hitler’s National Socialism. Calling them Marxists is imprecise. Calling them Nazis is much less imprecise. I use the term woke communists.
