Treehugger time – I think you’ll know where this one went

by Skip

“Tell me again why it should be legal for an employer to pay a wage that doesn’t cover living expenses? Freedom to exploit is freedom to kill, and it does.”

That was a comment, in part” from Annie Cass from a post “3 concepts from ‘Your Money or Your Life‘ that blew my mind” about thriftiness:

  1. Your hourly wage isn’t your true hourly wage.
  2. It’s crucial to track every single cent you earn, spend, and save.
  3. Savings are more than just savings.

Now, I don’t necessarily agree with some of the basic premises but it did have some good information.  But of course, Cass comes with the Marxist screed:

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Arctic Sea Ice Truth vs. the “Expert’s” Science

Global Warming theory claims that carbon dioxide generated by man-made activity is dooming the planet. The solution is to let the government use your money to pay “scientists” to produce “results” that support this conclusion so politicians can raise taxes and expand government intervention to address the “problem.” The problem with the problem is not just that … Read more

Free Speech on Campus In Our Lifetime? Not If They Can Help It.

I stumbled across an article by Fred Lucas titled, “Supreme Court decisions could curb campus censorship.”

Lucas shares some insights into recent court decisions that might reach their tendrils into the collection and use of student activity fees and the relationship between those expenditures and viewpoint discrimination. Fingers crossed but every path leading to that goal will require a grueling uphill battle.

A reference Lucas includes to remarks in an American Association of University Professor report tells us why.

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The NFL has Announced a New Policy Regarding the National Anthem

wilson_nfl_duke_official_size_leather_game_ballThe NFL has announced a new policy regarding the National Anthem, agreed to by all 32 NFL owners.

  1. All team and league personnel on the field shall stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem.
  2. The Game Operations Manual will be revised to remove the requirement that all players be on the field for the Anthem.
  3. Personnel who choose not to stand for the Anthem may stay in the locker room or in a similar location off the field until after the Anthem has been performed.
  4. A club will be fined by the League if its personnel are on the field and do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem.
  5. Each club may develop its own work rules, consistent with the above principles, regarding its personnel who do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem.
  6. The Commissioner will impose appropriate discipline on league personnel who do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem.

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You Want to Talk About Cultural Appropriation? Let’s Do that!

statue-of-liberty-2501264_960_720With all This Talk about Cultural Appropriation when is someone going to start focusing on how the Democrat party has appropriated (or been appropriated) by secular-humanist-socialist-Marxism?

It’s not American. It contradicts most, if not all the cultural foundations or tenents of our nation. So, why does the modern Democrat party, its politicians, and their mouthpieces, get away with appropriating a late 18th-century Euro-Russian worldview and forcing it down our throats?

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The Totalitarian impulse did not die with the Soviet Union

Antifa- we will tread

I think that the entirety of the modern American Left’s agenda can be summarized in the words of Theodore Dalrymple, who notes,

The totalitarian impulse did not die with the Soviet Union, but rather fractured into many different monomanias. The freedom that many people desire is the freedom to limit other people’s freedom, which they find much more gratifying than the mere expression of their own opinion, which has at most the effect of throwing a pebble into a pond, causing a ripple that soon disappears and is forgotten. Surely I am more important than that, and my opinion deserves to dictate to others?

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Marxism doesn’t work no matter what age, sex, or color you are. – Guy in a Tavern waiting on his wings.  

Antifa-Conference 1932

New Hampshire Democrats Can’t Denounce Antifa Because They Are Antifa

Antifa or the “antifaschist” movement is not new. It is old. The first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic.[citation needed] Its two-flag logo, designed by Association of Revolutionary Visual … Read more

HB 1403 Is Good Law For The International Baccalaureate Program

“You know your in the IB if your school has this traffic sign posted in the parking lot: Caution: Kids might throw themselves in front of your car.”—Unknown

Jeffrey Beard, director general of the International Baccalaureate Organization writes today in our own local Union Leader. Mr. Beard extols IB virtues and advocates for schools to adopt an IB curriculum, while making a strong statement against House Bill 1403, Requiring a school curriculum and instruction to meet school approval standards only when the “curriculum and instruction promote state and national sovereignty … not subject to the governance of a foreign body or organization.(amended analysis from the bill)

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Stieg Larsson Is A Dead Marxist

IImage Credit: Shelfari had occasion to spend an above average amount of time in the "reading room" over the weekend.  No need to go into specifics but perhaps the words Whole Bowel Cleanse, give you some idea of what I mean.

While so positioned, I managed to cram all 590 pages of Stieg Larsson’s book ‘The girl with the dragon tattoo‘ into my reading diet and let me say this; if you can get past the first 190 pages the next 400 are worth the time.  I enjoyed the bulk of the book immensely, despite the fact that I was trapped in "the reading room" and that it was written by a now dead Marxist. 

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