Democrat Words Don’t Mean What You Think …

by Don

Like con men everywhere, leftists/Marxists/Democrat leaders (“Democrats”) often use commonly understood benign-sounding words to deceive people.   Examples:


  • People understand that “Justice” means impartial punishment or award based on law and people’s actions, without regard to the individuals involved.
  • When “Democrats” qualify the term “Justice”, e.g., “environmental justice” and “social justice”, they want you to assign it the attributes of “Justice”.   But qualified justice isn’t “Justice”.   Qualified justice means punishing people for something he/she/they didn’t do to reward people who he/she/they didn’t harm.
  • “Democrats” use “Diversity” and “Inclusion” to demand that you accept their Marxist ideology, but their “Diversity” and “Inclusion” don’t include your non-Marxist ideology.   People rejecting Democrats’ Marxist ideology are often punished: e.g., threatened, canceled, fired, injured, had their personal information exposed, and/or prevented from speaking in public.


(Note: “Diversity” doesn’t make a nation strong; diversity is a divider.  Strength comes from shared values; that is why our motto is “E Pluribus Unum.”)

Equity” generally means fairness and impartiality. “Democrats” use “equity” to claim that people must compensate other people that they didn’t harm and perhaps were never harmed; e.g., requiring people who weren’t slave-owners to reward people who were never slaves.   (Our courts exist to punish criminals and resolve real claims for injury.)

When “Democrats” speak, look beyond their words to their true meaning.


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