Hartford High School Goes Full Marxist Groomer On Kids

Aaron Warner

As a tax payer and parent of a graduating senior at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center I was sent a questionnaire last week with the following email announcement of Hartford’s newly adopted “inclusivity” policy:

Dear Members of the Hartford School District,


At the end of 2023, you received an email sharing our approach to health education, which reiterated the Hartford School District’s mission to provide a caring and dynamic learning community that is welcoming and ensures that everyone is seen for who they are. In line

with this mission, we are pleased to share that earlier this year we passed a new policy, the Gender Inclusivity Policy, that compliments the 2018 Race and Equity Policy (  EL 10 ) and strengthens our commitments to our District members. The Gender Inclusivity Policy can be found in the Policy section of our District website  here . The Hartford School District Statement regarding this policy, which can be found on the  Equity and Inclusion page states:


“The Hartford School District is committed to providing a safe, orderly, civil, and positive learning

 environment for all students and staff, regardless of perceived or actual gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, and/or sexual orientation. It is the position of the Hartford School District that transgender, non-binary, and intersex individuals deserve the same inclusion and acknowledgement that cisgender individuals receive.”


We are writing today to share this policy with you-and we also want to hear from you! We invite you to fill in  this brief survey to help us gauge our district member’s alignment with this policy. The survey is also an opportunity to ask questions and/or suggest further opportunities for engagement and learning that you think would be helpful to you/our community. Our goal is to contribute to a community in which people of any gender identity or expression are equally included and respected; we ask that input be provided with this in mind (e.g., this is not the place for hate speech denying the existence and/or rights of

 transgender and nonbinary people). 


Who should fill out this survey? All parents, caregivers, guardians of students in the Hartford School District, AND all teachers and staff of the district.


See below for a summary of what we mean by “gender inclusivity” and the two main human rights the policy is based around:


What is “gender inclusivity”?

Gender Inclusivity is the equitable and fair treatment of children and adults of all gender identities and expressions.


This policy upholds the right to:

Privacy and confidentiality. This means that every person has the right to choose when, with whom, and how much information about their gender identity and/or gender status is shared with others. This right to privacy i

s recognized within the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. 


The right to be known and seen as who one knows oneself to be. This means that every student and staff person in our district should be able to feel comfortable, safe, and included when they self-present in their own gender identity and when they dress or present in a gender expression they prefer. Sex-based discrimination in the form of harassment, mockery, exclusion, or any other form of differential treatment of transgender and non-binary people is prohibited.


Again, you can fill in the survey  here . We always welcome respectful conversations about how our equity and inclusion practices play out in different grades. Thank you for trusting our professional staff with providing thoughtful, caring, respectful, and age-appropriate learning experiences for your children.


Tom DeBalsi

Superintendent of Schools


You’ll notice the tone of the letter is typical Marxist language appearing to be the kind and considerate thought leaders while pushing mystical pseudo-science that has been routinely exposed as quackery generated from fake academic journals citing other fake academic journals offering fake legitimacy.  The reality is transgender and gender affirming care are being exposed as massive failures as clinics are shutting down due to horrible outcomes such as increased rates of suicide and de-transition regret post transition.  Were the staff at Hartford to come outside of their ideological silos and echo chambers they would know this but they remain a town behind the times trying desperately to appear cutting edge and relevant.

Rather than genuinely be about the health and well-being of the children this masquerade is about the adults, many of who are functional groomers either deliberately pushing sex identitarianism or have simply been co-opted due to institutional capture thanks to the handful of activists who are on  mission to push the agenda, be they at the federal, state or local level.

Note in the letter the outgoing superintendent Tom Debalsi asks for feedback, questions and concerns “We are writing today to share this policy with you-and we also want to hear from you! We invite you to fill in  this brief survey to help us gauge our district member’s alignment with this policy.” while limiting the parameters to acceptable speech stating “this is not the place for hate speech denying the existence and/or rights of transgender and non-binary people.”  Essentially, they only want to hear from you if you agree with the agenda, which is confirmation bias and intentionally insulates them from disapproval by any members of the community who disagree – thus inclusion doesn’t extend to dissent.  This flies in the face of both science and our fundamental rights as citizens given the school is a government institution upheld by the will of the people.  Activists adopting a policy is not democratic and the questionnaire is a thin illusion pretending to represent democratic input.


Having worked in market research where I conducted similar surveys the obvious leading questions and bias aimed at confirming what they want is yet more pseudo-science designed to appear authoritative with one of the very first questions:


“Please share the gender identity you most closely identify with” (sic – note the ironically poor sentence structure ending the phrase with a preposition): cisgender woman, cisgender man, transgender, non-binary, gender-fluid, agender, I’m on a gender journey and I’m not sure at this time, prefer not to answer, other.


This biases the survey by adopting the controversial policy’s language.  Which is the game of Marxism in a nutshell – change the language.  Words are the root of society’s communication infrastructure and Marxists know that if they can alter the lexicon they can control the speech which is precisely the goal of this agenda.  It’s not about inclusivity or kindness or journeys but reframing the very way we see the world through language.  Marx referred to this as “mystification”, which is a type of Gnostic wizardry.  This is the stuff of secret societies and cults where words have double-meanings, one for those inside the cult and another for the uninitiated.

The goal of this survey is similar.  The ostensible purpose is to appear democratic and inclusive while the hidden goal is to announce this is the new order – your school has been captured by cultural Marxists.

Never mind the science of gametes are fundamentally binary which trump’s gender expression and feelings.  Or that babies are born expressing only those two, even the intersex, which proves the binary.  No.  These social quacks believe, thanks to Marxist theorists, that gender is a social construct not a biological fact and we need to let children, yes children, decide what they are.  Of course they will be guided (re: groomed) by the activists, through the power of suggestion, they can identify however they want, including as an animal (which they call furries).  At no point in time has a person thinking they are an animal not been a sign of full blown mental illness.  A school in Utah just had a mass of students walkout in protest of “furries” who were being allowed to bite and scratch them with impunity as teachers allowed them to express their identity.  Yes, this just happened.

Hartford is in the grip of woke insanity and it’s leveled at the children who are being groomed into breaking from reality ultimately aimed at being useful for one thing, cultural revolution.  We saw it with the BLM/George Floyd riots and again with the Israel protests and of course the pride parades.  This is nothing new, it was tried and failed in 1920s Hungary, however it was also the pretext to the rise of Nazi Germany where Hitler’s brown shirts first order of business was to burn books on transgenderism and shut down a transgender clinic following years of economic failure where young people couldn’t afford housing.  Sound familiar?  Probably not to people in Hartford where faculty no longer teach sound history instead promoting the unsoundness of one’s mental faculties.

Herbert Marcuse, the Marxist philosopher of the 1960s, stated clearly the goal of Marxists is to used easily manipulated youth, queer and ghetto black populations as revolutionaries to overthrow western culture:

“Very different from the revolution at previous stages of history, this opposition is directed against theh totatliy of well-functioning, prosperous society – a protest against its Form…This new consciousness and the instinctual rebellion isolate such opposition form the masses and from the majority of organized labor, the integrated majority, and make for the concentration of radical politics in active minorities, mainly among the young middle-class intelligentsia and among the ghetto populations (re: LGBTQ+ black, etc.). Here, prior to all political strategy and organization, liberation becomes a vital, “biological” need.” 

In other words, Marcuse and the Marxists have purposefully targeted youth and “ghetto” populations to manipulate for their revolution.  The town of Hartford and its children has become their playground.

Here is the link to take the survey and let the town know what you think of their Marxist agenda for children.


  • Aaron Warner

    Mr. Warner began writing after growing tired of having so much to say and so few who would listen. He hails originally from Portland, Oregon, now living in the Upper Valley area of Vermont.  His passion is for spreading truth and exposing lies.  Like one of his heroes Andrew Breitbart he believes "If you can't sell freedom you suck.". He is GraniteGrok's regional contributor from the Upper Valley of NH / VT

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