Every day it seems more and more people are jumping on the mask-wearing bandwagon, even as cases drop in New England. Sure, Texas and Florida cases are rising (not as alarming a rate as the mainstream media portrays, and more on that next time) but how is that relevant to New Hampshire?
CVS and Target Join Growing List or Businesses Mandating Face Masks
The band plays on as both CVS and Target jump on the retail mask mandate Titanic. Both companies have announced that customers will be required to mask up before entering and while shopping in their outlets.
Petition: “No government nor organization at any level should be able to mandate the public to wear face masks”
If you like online petitions and you do not like being forced to wear a mask, then this is for you. “No government nor organization at any level should be able to mandate the public to wear face masks” from – Petition at WhiteHouse.gov.
Mask Mandate Poll Results 89% said No, They will Not Comply
Massachusetts has a statewide mask mandate in public places. Salem, New Hampshire, tried to impose one but failed. Nashua, whose city government is a lot more like Massachusetts (and wants to be Massachusetts), passed one like s**t through a goose.
Dear Governor Sununu – ENOUGH ALREADY
I understand NH’s governor was put into a position he didn’t ask to be put into. He was essentially between a rock and a hard place. Governor Sununu, like everyone else, was using the wildly inaccurate models pushed by the CDC and the feds to make decisions. I get it. There was no other information … Read more
New Poll Question: “Will You Comply with any State or Local Mandate to Wear a Mask in Public?”
Much ado about masks these days and around our humble shop. Pages and pages of news and opinion about this idiot or that. New Hampshire Democrats, mostly, engaged in mask warfare. Sowing fears to reap political rewards, but we’re having none of that here.
Messmer Takes Her Money to Mass ‘cuz Meaningless Mask Mandates Matter More to Mindi
If you are looking for a reason to not vote for NH Democrat Mindi Messmer for anything, she just provided it, proudly. In a recent tweet, she announces that she is taking her money to Massachusetts because they mandated masks in public, and NH did not.
NH House Democrat Caucus Asks Governor Sununu for Mandatory Face Masks in Public
In a letter dated May 14th, the Democrat caucus of the New Hampshire House believes, that “an order temporarily requiring face coverings in public is necessary for the successful reopening of New Hampshire’s economy.”
Democrat State Senator Martha Hennessey Receives Award For Increasing the Cost of Health Insurance
This: By “requiring N.H. insurers to cover #fertility care,” what Hennessey is really saying is forcing everyone who purchases health insurance in New Hampshire to purchase fertility-coverage as part of that insurance. In other words, even if you have no need for fertility-coverage, such as you are past your child-bearing years … or, even if … Read more
Renewable Green Energy Mandates – Families and Job Creators Hit Hardest
New Hampshire has a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). The Democrat majority state government pushed it through back when John Lynch was governor. It requires electricity providers to buy a percentage of the power you pay for from more expensive sources. Those costs are then passed on to consumers. If the state didn’t make them they wouldn’t … Read more