Massachusetts has a statewide mask mandate in public places. Salem, New Hampshire, tried to impose one but failed. Nashua, whose city government is a lot more like Massachusetts (and wants to be Massachusetts), passed one like s**t through a goose.
Related: Nashua Anti-Mask Mandate Protest: Fewer Masks. More Hugs
Amidst this flurry of interest, we posed a question. Would you wear a mask if mandated? (And yes, there is authorizing legislation if you broadly interpret health and safety regs). The overwhelming answer- even though this was our least engaged poll to date was no.
89% of respondents would not comply. 65% of those said they would not wear a mask if mandated with another 24% claiming they’d be an obnoxious tool about it.
On the other side, 11% were in for compliance with 6.85% wearing a mask, and another 4.11% who said they would be an obnoxious tool about it.
Again, not a lot of participation in this one, which was a bit surprising. And as an afterthought, a good question would have been, will you avoid shopping or business in NH towns or cities that impose a mandate? We already have avoided Nashua in our house and expect that to continue, so there may have been a lot of support for this choice.
Here’s a look at the final results.