"Let me be clear” may be giving way to “From Day one.” “From Day One” is the new backstop in the absence of physical evidence. "From day one," the Obama administration was working behind the scenes on a response to the BP oil rig explosion. You’re damn right they were.
Day one began with the same meeting they have every time something happens; how can we blame Bush or Republicans, and if not them who? No "national" response is possible until that narrative has been worked out, and a plan is in place to turn whatever it is into some political advantage, unless it fits an existing grievance narrative already in place like "racist!" The Narrative seeps out, the media and the administration regurgitate it, add spin and stir.
And if you look over the short list of possibilities, Fort Hood, The Panty Bomber, Bonus announcements, Voter intimidation case involving Black Panthers, Tea Party protesters, Illegal immigrants rioting, things said by republicans, things said by democrats, scandals involving democrats, body counts, comments about clean black men, the difference in response time and the actions taken—or not–reveal their actual priorities. It’s not jobs or growth or cleaning up corruption or clean energy. It’s all politics, power and payback, all the time.
AIG bonuses—the ink isn’t even dry and the entire left side of the congress along with the White house is barfing class warfare rhetoric from every media orifice they can find about how they need to reign in big "whatever," new legislation already in hand. An al Qaida trained terrorist tries to blow up a plane and is thwarted by passengers….need a week before we can even comment.
Of course we know why they need more time. We’ve seen what happens when they are forced to comment on something before the ritual three day minimum. They put their collectivist feet in their collective mouths. They really have no clue what they are doing, especially when someone else craps on America before they can and they have no narrative in place.