Wheel Of Misfortune

I’ve got mixed emotions about the variable rooms and meals tax (R&M).  On one hand it is the microcosm of federalism.  Every town would be the master of its own demise.  Durham would be like New York State, Keene might be like Michigan.  On the other, starting at 9% is way too high to begin … Read more

More Out Of State Money To NH Democrats

Nothing says “out of state money” like EMILY’s List (EL) a single issue ideological PAC interested in only one thing—women who will support all abortion, all the time, on your dime.  And could you have guessed that EMILY’s List loves New Hampshire democrats?  Would you be more surprised at the qualifications these liberal women must … Read more


  When I bought my wife a box or Good Earth Vanilla Chai Tea (one of her mothers day gifts) I was not expecting anything other than tea.  After lunch I offered her a cup and much to my surprise the first bag I removed from the box–yes, it was a tea bag–had the following quote … Read more

Want To Buy A Bridge?

Some liberal talking heads are already toeing the narrative that Elena Kagan is a little bit conservative.  That she could (possibly) shift the court to the right.  Really?  Hardly. This narrative is deployed to impress upon the disinterested, distracted, or dumbfounded that any opposition by the right to her nomination is evidence of just how right wing … Read more

The Peoples Republic of Hodesistan

  In the People’s Republic of Hodesistan (PRH) unemployment always hovers around 9-10%.  That’s the new normal.  And it has to be.  No matter how many bail outs and prop ups and incentives Mr. Hodes conceives to redistribute your earnings, there is never enough of other peoples money.  As the tax dollar pool from which his … Read more

Get This Man A Space

Two weeks later and Rep. Peter Schmidt (D-Strafford 4) still has to park in the No Parking Zone when other spaces are available.  Yes, this is a follow up to my earlier post–Peter " No Parking" Schmidt.  Apparently Peter is a real stand up guy.  Veteran.  Works hard.  Always shows up in Concord.  I appreciate … Read more

From Day One

"Let me be clear” may be giving way to “From Day one.”  “From Day One” is the new backstop in the absence of physical evidence.  "From day one," the Obama administration was working behind the scenes on a response to the BP oil rig explosion.  You’re damn right they were.

Day one began with the same meeting they have every time something happens; how can we blame Bush or Republicans, and if not them who?  No "national" response is possible until that narrative has been worked out, and a plan is in place to turn whatever it is into some political advantage, unless it fits an existing grievance narrative already in place like "racist!"   The Narrative seeps out, the media and the administration regurgitate it, add spin and stir. 

And if you look over the short list of possibilities, Fort Hood, The Panty Bomber, Bonus announcements, Voter intimidation case involving Black Panthers, Tea Party protesters, Illegal immigrants rioting, things said by republicans, things said by democrats, scandals involving democrats, body counts, comments about clean black men, the difference in response time and the actions taken—or not–reveal their actual priorities.  It’s not jobs or growth or cleaning up corruption or clean energy.  It’s all politics, power and payback, all the time.

AIG bonuses—the ink isn’t even dry and the entire left side of the congress along with the White house is barfing class warfare rhetoric from every media orifice they can find about how they need to reign in big "whatever," new legislation already in hand.  An al Qaida trained terrorist tries to blow up a plane and is thwarted by passengers….need a week before we can even comment.

Of course we know why they need more time.  We’ve seen what happens when they are forced to comment on something before the ritual three day minimum.  They put their collectivist feet in their collective mouths.  They really have no clue what they are doing, especially when someone else craps on America before they can and they have no narrative in place.

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When Life Begins

This is horrifying. The UK Teleraph reports on a 22 week old abortion survivor left on a table to die that was found alive a day later.  The child survived for two days outside the womb on its own. I’d be interested in the opinion of liberal abortion supporters (and small ‘r’ social liberals in … Read more

The Liberals Creative-Destruction of Faith

In all secular-humanist or socialist Marxist regimes, it is necessary to first utilize pre-existing institutions to advance the agenda and then, systematically destroy them so that they cannot then be used in the same manner to overthrow the central government.

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  “Dances with Wolves” meets the “Lion King,” only instead of hyenas coming to rob the available resources away from the soldier who has gone native and his new BFF’s we get GIJOE Rise Of Cobra meets Blackwater—and maybe toss in a few minutes of Altered States for good measure.  That’s my take on Avatar, … Read more

Introducing Rep Kevin Hodges (D-Awesome Cool)

  Ah, the arrogance of youth.  Not long ago it was Brian "I have an LSR to get minors off for getting busted for possession of alcohol" Poznanski who was the whelp–having then gotten himself busted as a minor in possession of alcohol in front of a house full of minors and his LSR subsequently … Read more

Your Renewable Future?

PSNH, New Hampshire’s largest supplier of electricitiy, is looking to adjust rates to compensate for lost revenue.  They lost the revenue because of decreased usage.  Usage has decreased because of the economy, but that presents us with a real world truth.  The implications of the liberal environmental movement do not match the facts. Enviro-weenies want you to reduce … Read more

Light A Candle

Here in New Hampshire we’ve been at what Erik Erikson at Red State calls Tea Party 2.0 since day one.  Not a week goes by when the message from any one of the dozens of groups around the state who support the anti-tax rallies that define the Tea Party Movement is to get involved.  Learn … Read more

Joe Citizen

Maybe you’ve gotten an invitation from Joe Citizen on facebook.  Maybe you are enticed by the idea of re-invigorating citizenship in New Hampshire.  And maybe, just maybe, you didn’t know that the Live Free or Die Alliance (LFDA) is a product of Left wing environmental activist, and Obama supporter Gary Hirschberg and his buddies. Now … Read more

If The Racist Shoe Fits

The people who insisted that the TEA Party movement didnot exist, that it would never amount to much, that it was just a flash in the pan movement, that it was just a few disgruntled right wingers, that it was run by the Republican party, that it answered to Rush Limbaugh, and that it was a … Read more

VAT’s All Folks!

The solution to irresponsible spending is always irresponsible taxation.  They go together like Peanut butter and Jelly, Root beer and Ice, like rama lama lama ke ding a de dinga a dong.  And to get them the liberals in New Hampshire do the same thing as the liberals in Washington.  They expand every department—in the … Read more

Hate Pimps

  Anyone else getting bored with the left wing hate meme? I know I am.  It’s like living with some insane relative whose run out of psychotropic meds.  Or how about that dog from America’s funnies home videos?  He’s using his nose to roll a rock around the yard and the voice over is “Pushing … Read more

Good Kool Aid Or What?

  You have to wonder what the House democrats in Washington are drinking?  They actually believe that passing the Senate bill without actually voting on it is less of a risk to their political futures. And then there’s Obama.  He thinks that his signing the Senate bill without it having had an up or down … Read more

Linguists For Hodes

  One of the joys of blogging is the anonymous commenters who drop the bottle of Booth’s Dry Gin long enough to type something lucid. (Lucid is a stretch)   Most of these word-smiths are probably NHDP staffers who can’t find anything better to do while they watch the party lose special election after special election on … Read more


There’s this liberal talking point, it’s spin actually, that anyone who does not disown Jim Bunning is an obstructionist. It is founded on the premise that the Senator was against extending unemployment benefits.

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