Zelenskyy Teaches a Lesson in Leadership

Before the ruthless and devastating invasion of Ukraine, hardly anyone in America knew the name, “Zelenskyy.”  Volodymyr Zelenskyy had spent most of his adult life as an actor/comedian in Ukraine but became associated with a new political party, called Servant of the People, in early 2018.

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Vaccine covid 19 vials

The Ruling Class Virus

I encourage vaccination. The Wuhan virus, however, continues to be used as a political weapon and as a means of inflicting a form of Socialist/Marxist control over our citizens while the constitution and individual rights are ignored.

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Joe Biden – Boring but Dangerous

After months of promoting Joe Biden as an accomplished lawmaker, a gentleman politician, and a uniter, the best thing the media can say about him now is that he’s boring.  The New York Times published a recent article entitled “Voters Chose Boring Over Bombast…”

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It’s only Fair

Biden Wants to Bail Out Failure

There is almost no evidence lockdowns, business closures, stay at home orders and other strategies have reduced the infection rates or death rates from the virus. Think about this. The” open” state of Florida has had a lower death rate, adjusted for the age distribution of the population, than “closed” states of California and New York.

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Donald Trump’s Impossible Dreams

The blind hatred that consumes President Trump’s enemies is reflected in their poisonous rhetoric, which long ago exceeded inflammatory.  It’s become utterly insane.  They’ve labeled the president a white supremacist, a racist, a fascist, a tyrant, and even a traitor.

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Are You a Casual China Watcher?

Are You a Casual China Watcher?

Are you a casual China watcher? If you are there was a key policy meeting, the four day plenum in Beijing this week. It wraps up came with a statement; China will not let external pressures sway it from becoming a great power. It goes on to say China is entering a period of ‘strategic … Read more

Joe Biden’s Courage to Conform

Joe Biden’s supporters have called him a man of courage. The late John Lewis used those very words to describe him shortly after Biden jumped into the presidential race.  Nancy Pelosi went a little further, calling Biden the “personification of hope and courage, values, authenticity, and integrity.”

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