VoterFraud Alert: NH’s Assault-Rep Pushes Ballot Harvesting During House’s Unnecessary All-Nighter

So what vital business kept the New Hampshire House in session all night? Well, one bill was the already vetoed no-excuse absentee balloting or … more accurately … ballot-harvesting bill: Rep. Katherine Rogers is perhaps better known as New Hampshire’s “Assault-Rep”:  A local Democrat and state representative pleaded guilty this morning to assaulting a political opponent during … Read more

Grassroots Granite Staters Fought Bloomberg Lobbyists and Won, AGAIN

As you all know by now, the destructive gun control legislation New Hampshire Democrats shoved through the legislature this past session have all been VETOED by Governor Sununu. Each piece of legislation was written by an out-of-state gun control organization and supported by NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the Godfather of gun control. Two out of … Read more

Democrat Hacktivist Who Justifies Violence Against Female 2nd Amendment Supporters Calls for “Disruption” of Trump Event in Manchester …

You may remember Eric Gallagher. I previously posted about his “you are a RACIST if you oppose Open Borders” defense of Open Borders. And about his justifying an assault on Susan Olsen by a Democrat State Rep: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, during a recount. Apparently, young Mr. Gallagher … Read more

Wanna-Be Democrat State Rep Condones Violence Against Women

I took a certain Eric Gallagher to task here for using the Democrat strategy of screeching RACIST to avoid defending illegal immigration. I didn’t have the time then to note another beauty from young Mr. Gallagher who aspires to be a Democrat State Rep.: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, … Read more

The Tweet That Got Me Blocked By #AssaultRep

I’m sure you know of Representative Katherine Rogers, perhaps better known as #AssaultRep. She is that paradigm of Leftist tolerance who assaulted Second Amendment activist Susan Olsen, plead guilty to the assault, yet was exonerated and lionized for it by New Hampshire’s biased press: The coverage -if it can even be called that- by WMUR … Read more

Shannon Watts

These Democrats in Concord are Numb Nuts

Right now, the Granite State is under siege from a barrage of gun control measures presently under consideration in the legislature. Gun control measures that are more reflective of states like Massachusetts, California, Maryland, Illinois and New York City. There is a bill for Universal Background checks (ah, but they do not call it that because they are liars). There is a seven-day waiting period bill and worst of all, a red flag law bill.

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Convicted NH ‘Assault Rep’ Pushes Failed California Gun Control Bill… AGAIN

Today, the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee in the New Hampshire House of Representatives will hear testimony on a gun control bill that has been presented by Democrats but written by a gun control organization from California. For some reason, Representative Katherine Rogers (who also pushes New York-style gun control via billionaire Michael Bloomberg and pleaded guilty to assaulting … Read more

Susan Olsen – On Being Assaulted by Dem. Rep. Katherine Rogers

Last night Susan Olsen took some time to talk about the circumstances surrounding her assault and the pending arraignment of the perp, New Hampshire Democrat House Rep. Katherine Rogers. We discuss the State Senate recount and the interaction between the accused and the accosted. Why the report was filed after the House Session, and more.

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