Democrat Bill to give Dogs More Consideration Than Newborn Babies Goes Down to Defeat

Steve MacDonald

New Hampshire Democrat Katherine ‘I hit Little Ol’ Ladies’ Rogers had a bill I called ‘No Dogs left Outside.’ It gave the state the power to fine you for leaving your dog outdoors for too long or without clean water. Regardless of breed on terms defined by them.

Related: Introducing Democrat Katherine Rogers “No Dog Left Outside” Bill

HB 1389 empowered the state to act in the interests of the health and safety of domestic animals. If they (the state) got wind of some misdeed. Like leaving your snow loving-husky outside for longer than thirty minutes.

No dog shall be left outside and unattended, regardless of access to an outdoor shelter, for more than 15 minutes during any period in which a severe weather advisory or warning has been issued for the area by the National Weather Service, or if the temperature is below 32-degrees Fahrenheit or above 90-degres Fahrenheit.  This includes but is not limited to a dog in a securely fenced in yard, a dog in a kennel, or a tethered dog.

It’s a puppy red flag law.

Contrast that with the institutional left’s position on live birth abortion. The debate appears to turn on whether you should just kill the child right away or leave them to die in a bucket without food or water.

HB1389 was rejected by the Democrat majority House this week. Not because it would be hypocritical but, more than likely, because it is an election year and while they want and need the animal rights activist vote (which they already have) they need regular folks to pull the lever for them as well and this legislation might just be more meddling that joe or jane disinterested voter could tolerate.

It’s not exactly a liberal hill on which to die.

Bitching about Gov Sununu rejecting an income tax disguised as a giveaway is one thing. Tweeting about so-called common-sense gun safety laws getting the red Veto pen is their bread-and-butter. Demanding the state fine you for letting your dog play outdoors absent an approved shelter or clean drinking water (when they love to eat snow) is not a winning election-year argument.

I’m not saying they don’t want that; they do. I’m saying they will save it until they can pass it without much fuss. Another law most people won’t know a thing about until the government shows up at your doorstep with a complaint.

Remember, these are the same people who think you should be fined for letting your dog play outside for too long but call you oppose women’s rights if you object to letting newborn babies die in a bucket. 

They are not interested in compromise. You can’t get them to come to your middle. You’re either with them or you’re a fascist, gay-bashing, woman-hating tyrant. The only cure for that is to get them out of office and then keep them out.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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