NH State Rep Katherine Rogers Is Asking for Mercy after She Did Evil on Susan Olsen?

by Skip

Again, one of the “Assault Twins”, NH State Rep Katherine Rogers who was convicted of assaulting Second Amendment stalwart and political activist Susan Olsen by viciously cuffing Susan on the ear at a polling place, has decided to play the victim card.

She is trying to make other people feel sorry for her even as she’s wanting to take your Constitutional Rights away.  From the Union Leader (reformatted, emphasis mine):

The face covering debate flared up again at the State House last week when a House Democrat asked colleagues on the House Finance Committee to wear masks during an executive session.

State Rep. Katherine Rogers, D-Concord, has been undergoing chemotherapy treatments for uterine cancer. At the outset of last Tuesday’s meeting, Rogers provided all members with a mask.

“Your heartfelt willingness to wear a simple mask goes a long way towards protecting me from catching an infection that could put me back into the hospital,” Rogers wrote to the committee. “You are allowing me to continue to serve through a simple gesture — for that I am eternally grateful to you.”

None of the Republican members of the House Finance Committee were seen wearing masks during the hour-long executive session, while all the Democratic members were. At the conclusion of the meeting, state Rep. Jess Edwards, R-Auburn, praised Rogers’ “courage” for continuing to serve and the members gave her an ovation.

Rogers said she was disappointed that the GOP members didn’t mask up. “I’m just sorry masks have become so political,” Rogers said.

Blah, blah,blah.  Sorry, you weren’t so kind to a lady that I still consider to be a friend even if she has moved to Texas.  You played to your lower base self then (or is it just your normal self?) when you deliberately hit someone else and created an injury.

You then taunted Susan with “go ahead, you know you want to [hit me back]. ” (The other assault twin, by the way, is NH State Rep Debra Altschiller – wife of Seacoast Online Big Whig; here, here, here, here, here, ad nauseum who ALSO allegedly assaulted Susan Olsen after a hearing0.

Rogers has now played on everyone’s good feelings and sorrows over her condition – yet withheld that from Susan. Hypocrisy much?

And yes, you deliberately made the political play on this – you knew in advance that the Democrats HAVE made the wearing of masks a political one.

Using Government, at any level, to FORCE any mandate, is a political one.

The only ones trying to persuade others it isn’t are those who are just trying to hide it – she did exactly that and used her victimhood to make political coinage out of it. She knew that the Republicans would refuse – and she used that knowledge to make political points.

Even after being shown kindness, a standing O, she couldn’t help making it a political “cuff on the ear” against the Republicans.

And they allowed her to do the political set up with “for that, I am eternally grateful to you” schtick almost worthy of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals as a political stunt.

And she pulled it off. By making people sorry for her.  Bet she had a good laugh over it.

(H/T: Yahoo News)

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