There is a mistaken notion afoot in our cherished land that you are actually voting for the Democratic Party when you get tired of the reprehensible Republicans and their cowardice in the face of Pelosi and Mitch McConnell’s latest retreat in the face of threatened left-wing media attacks.
Jeanne Shaheen
There Is No Room for Italians in ‘Indigenous’ Peoples’ Day
So, now we learn that Boston’s Acting Mayor Kim Janey has sparked howls of anger when she unilaterally whacked Columbus Day, replacing it with the politically correct “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.”
Just STOP IT! And Throw Them Out!
Well, it seems that our legend in his own mind president picked a real peach of a Secretary of Homeland Security. Sure, this same legend has picked some other real peaches (Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, blah, blah, blah) but this guy couldn’t maintain his own security if going into a gender-neutral restroom.
Shaheen Claims Vaccines ‘Protect’ while Biden & Harris Claim Vaccinated Need to be ‘Protected.’
New Hampshire’s Senior Senator, Jeanne Shaheen, is encouraging Granite Staters to get vaccinated. In a tweet Shaheen sent out today, she claims the vaccines “protect” the people who get them.
Reminder: Jeanne Shaheen Has Tripled the National Debt
Back in 2008, a national debt of 10 trillion was a disaster and an embarrassment. Irresponsible. Democrats had a lot of words for it. Jeanne Shaheen did as well. And she won a job in the US Senate that year. She’s still there, and that debt has tripled.
This Stuff Needs a Big Double Flush
The New Hampshire Legislature, United States Congress, and, in particular, the Executive Branch of this Country are loaded to the gump stump with years of so-called experience, which in and of itself is a problem.
Is This Silence Violence? Democrats have Nothing to Say About Conviction of Dem Donor Ed Buck (For the Overdose Deaths of Two Gay Black Men)
Did I miss it? The press release from gay NH Democrat State Party Chair Ray Buckley quoting Ray his thoughts on a white guy getting convinced in the overdose deaths of two gay black men? No? Is that because the white guy is a prominent Democrat donor?
Sugar Maples, Seasonal Syrup Woes, and Tapping into Tyranny
Maple Syrup is a big deal around here. It’s so big that Democrats threaten it for votes. Runaway global warming will erase your industry. It hasn’t, quite the opposite. Last year set a record, but this year was terrible. No, not too warm but too damn cold.
NHPR: Is NH’s Vaccine Plan Racist? – Have You Asked Our Vaccinated White Members of Congress?
New Hampshire Public Radio has yet another published piece fishing for racial division in a vacuum. But did it suck up NH Senators Shaheen and Hassan and Congresswoman Ann Kuster along the way?
If Shaheen and Hassan Want to Protect Women From “Stalkers” Arming Them Would Be Better Than This
The right to self-defense is natural. You are born with it. If someone attacks you or tries to deprive you of life or property, you defend yourself. But self-reliant (and potentially armed) law-abiding citizens might defend their rights from a government seeking to deprive them of their property or their rights, so Democrats disarm them first and call that “protection.”
NH Senators Shaheen and Hassan “Vote Against” a 15.00 Per Hour Federal Minimum Wage
The Progressive bid to push the Federal Minimum Wage to fifteen dollars per hour hit a wall in the US Senate. The measure died 58-42 with the help of a handful of Democrats, including New Hampshire’s Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan.
Turning 21: The Left’s “Kids Won’t Know Snow Narrative” Celebrates a Milestone
We’re expecting a few inches of snow today, more on Wednesday, and then a potential storm with more significant snowfall on Friday. Let’s celebrate with an early anniversary. On March 20th of this year, the climate cult’s “kids won’t know snow narrative” turns 21 years of age.
Dem Senator Wants IRS to Revoke Non-Profit Status if Groups Ignore COVID19 Rules
The Obama IRS was a political weapon used to punish, infringe, or intimidate opposing political interests. With Democrats back in power, one Senator is asking the Internal Revenue Service for a reboot. This time to revoke the non-profit status of a group that ignored the COVID19 mask and distancing rules.
Friday Open Thread on Saturday – Is losing your sense of scheduling another symptom of having WuFlu?
Seems to be mine – did it last week and again this week. So once again, it’s your turn! With Christmas and New Year’s in the rearview mirror but could be a YUGE celebration / riot in DC next Tuesday and Jeanne Shaheen is calling us all traitors and seditionists, what’s on your minds?
A Little Red State With a Big Blue Crown – Chapter 2: The Senate
As one of the states that lingered on counting votes for weeks after election day, Arizona had an interesting little side story as many were watching it more closely. Some noticed an oddity with Mark Kelly (D) not only appearing to have won the Senate race in Arizona and ousting incumbent Martha McSally (R) but also garnering more votes than Joe Biden.
Corky Messner: Supports Parental Choice For Education, Businesses Safely Getting Back to Normal
Senate Candidate Corky Messner is a strong believer in education. He believes parents should decide how their children are educated. He started a small foundation to provide scholarships, and supports charter schools
Listen: Senate Candidate Messner on Healthcare and Shaheen’s Support of Passive Infanticide
Corky Messner came into our studios for the Windham Grok podcast to share his views on (1) ensuring Americans will never need to be concerned about pre-existing conditions when it comes to obtaining healthcare, and (2) his strong opposition of passive infanticide (unlike Shaheen).
Listen: Corky Messner on Preserving Those (Pelosi Defined) “Crumbs” Known as the Trump Tax Cuts
The Trump tax cuts in 2017 dropped the corporate tax rate to 21%. This was a boon for U.S. Businesses, who hired more people, raised wages and invested in infrastructure. U.S. Senate Candidate Corky Messner gets it. He is an attorney who truly understands the meaning of the Constitution. He is a business man – … Read more
Listen: Senate Candidate Corky Messner on the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Corky Messner is a breath of fresh air. Messner is an informed and personable candidate who is running to replace Shaheen for all of the right reasons. He is a smart, down to earth guy who never dodges a question. He is aware of the problems, and he has solutions to the serious issues that … Read more
Listen: U.S. Senate Candidate Corky Messner On Career Politician Shaheen Milking the System
Corky Messner sat down with Tom Murray and I to discuss his opponent, career politician Jeanne Shaheen. According to Messner, Shaheen bragged about voting for the PPP loans to help NH businesses. What Tom and I did not know is that Shaheen’s family received 8 of those PPP loans. In addition,